- Add the
entry to the<servers>
list in your maven settings file ($HOME/.m2/settings.xml
). Replaceusername
with your Sonatype username and password.
<!-- sonatype-nexus-staging -->
We recommend encrypting your maven passwords. See the maven password encryption guide for advice on how to encrypt your maven passwords.
Create a Sonatype account and request to be added to the list of users with deployment permissions.
Create a GPG key and publish it.
Generate the key (
brew install gpg2
to get gpg2 on a Mac)gpg2 --gen-key
Use the default values for type, size, expiration, and add your name and email.
List the key and note the key id
gpg2 --list-keys
The output should look similar to the following, where
is your key id.-------------------------------- pub 4096R/ABCDEF12 2015-02-04 uid [ultimate] John Doe <[email protected]> ...
Upload your key to a key-server
Use the following command, replacing
with your own key id.# use the key id as shown by gpg2 --list-keys gpg2 --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-keys ABCDEF12
# Make sure gpg-agent is running
eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)
# Prepare a release for the parent pom
mvn release:clean release:prepare
# Perform the release
mvn release:perform
# once staging is complete promote the release
cd target/checkout && mvn -Prelease nexus-staging:release