This is the code repository for the book: Python 201: Intermediate Python by Michael Driscoll
Python 201: Intermediate Python is the sequel to my first book, Python 101. If you already know the basics of Python and now you want to go to the next level, then this is the book for you! This book is for intermediate level Python programmers only. There won't be any beginner chapters here. This book is based on Python 3.
The book will be broken up into five parts. Here's how:
Part I - Intermediate Modules
- Chapter 1 - The argparse module
- Chapter 2 - The collections module
- Chapter 3 - The contextlib module (Context Managers)
- Chapter 4 - The functools module (Function overloading, caching, etc)
- Chapter 5 - All about imports
- Chapter 6 - The importlib module
- Chapter 7 - The itertools module
- Chapter 8 - The re module (An Intro to Regex in Python)
- Chapter 9 - The typing module (Type Hinting)
Part II - Odds and Ends
- Chapter 10 - generators / iterators
- Chapter 11 - map, filter, reduce
- Chapter 12 - unicode
- Chapter 13 - benchmarking
- Chapter 14 - encryption
- Chapter 15 - Connecting to databases
- Chapter 16 - super
- Chapter 17 - descriptors (magic methods)
- Chapter 18 - Scope (local, global and the new non_local)
Part III - Web
- Chapter 19 - Web scraping
- Chapter 20 - Working with web APIs
- Chapter 21 - ftplib
- Chapter 22 - urllib
Part IV - Testing
- Chapter 23 - Doctest
- Chapter 24 - unittest
- Chapter 25 - mock
- Chapter 26 -
Part V - Concurrency
- Chapter 27 - The asyncio module
- Chapter 28 - The threading module
- Chapter 29 - The multiprocessing module
- Chapter 30 - The concurrent.futures module
This book is for intermediate level Python developers. If you already know the syntax for Python, then you will probably be interested in learning about some of Python's intermediate and advanced topics that are covered in this book!
Python 3 is all you need to use this book which you can get from the Python website
Michael Driscoll has been an application developer using Python for over a decade. He is the author of the popular Python blog, The Mouse Vs. the Python as well as several other Python books including Python 101, Python Interviews and ReportLab - PDF Processing with Python.