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dominikschreiber edited this page Jan 7, 2013 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the wiki of cmmi-monitoring. We use it (by now) only to collect your contributions to the topic

How does your company use monitoring/control to develop software successfully?

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Real-Life Examples

openLearnWare, HRZ TU Darmstadt

We develop in a "scrum-like" way (we are all just part-time employees and meet weekly, not daily) and use weekly scrum meetings to check our progress on the topics of our taskboard. Our head is our scrum master as well and has weekly meetings with the product owner (one of our colleagues sitting on the same floor and taking this role) in which they create tickets (like a sprint backlog) for our next sprint (of 4 weeks). They have a giant mind map created 2 years ago (when the project started) which acts as our product backlog, but this gets more and more replaced by a QSL-Proposal they wrote half a year ago. We use redmine with svn as our versioning system and its ticket system as our task board (we have a "mirror" of this as a big chart with plenty of notes (representing tickets) on it on our wall). The final project is openlearnware.

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