Step 1.
install with npm: Check in NPM
npm install react-native-sunmi-inner-printer --save
or you may need to install via the clone address directly:
npm install --save
Step 2:
Links this plugin to your project.
react-native link react-native-sunmi-inner-printer
or you may need to link manually
- modify settings.gradle
include ':react-native-sunmi-inner-printer'
project(':react-native-sunmi-inner-printer').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-sunmi-inner-printer/android')
- modify app/build.gradle,add dependenceie:
compile project(':react-native-sunmi-inner-printer')
- adds package references to
import com.sunmi.innerprinter.SunmiInnerPrinterPackage;
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new SunmiInnerPrinterPackage()
Step 3:
refer in the javascript:
import SunmiInnerPrinter from 'react-native-sunmi-inner-printer';
See examples folder of the source code that you can find a simple example of printing receipt. // TODO