An alternative taxonomy module for SilverStripe
This module inverts the term/type relationship to type/term and allows setting default/protected types/terms
- SilverStripe 4.4
- GridFieldExtensions 3.2
Include the following in your composer.json and run composer update:
"require": {
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
Configure the yml:
Type one:
- Term
- Second Term
Second type:
- Another Term
On your page, use the trait
use TaxonomyTrait;
private static $many_many = [
'CustomTerms' => TaxonomyTerm::class
public function getCMSFields()
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
'Custom Terms',
$this->getTermsForType('Second type')
return $fields;
Run the build task:
vendor/silverstripe/framework/sake dev/build flush=1