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Germán Felipe Giraldo Villa edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 7 revisions


Streamer files: T0 input files. Detector data sent from P5 to T0 by Storage Manager

RAW: Repacked detector data. First datatier that DAS is aware of. Used as input for PromtReco.

  • Interested groups: Everyone


Streamer files: (See above).

FEVT/FEVTHLTALL: Full Event data (RAW+RECO). Output of StreamExpress, ExpressCosmics, HLTMonitor workflows

  • Interested groups: HLT, Tracker

ALCARECO: Alignment and Calibration Reconstructed files. Output of ExpressAlignment workflows

  • Interested groups: AlCa

RAW(Express version): Output of Calibration workflows

  • Interested groups: AlCa


  • Interested groups: DQM

Conditions files (HarvestCondition): PCL files to be uploaded to CondDB.

  • Interested groups: AlCaDB

Beamspot files (HarvestLumi) Output of the Beamspot fit process during PCL.

  • Interested groups: RC


RAW: (See above). Input for Prompt Reconstruction.


  • Interested groups:

DQM: Data Quality Management datatier.

  • Interested groups: DQM

RAW-RECO(FEVT): Data after reconstruction alongside RAW data.

AOD: Analysis Object Data. Derived from RECO data,they provide a more compact format for Physics Analysis.

MINIAOD: Mini Analysis Object Data. Derived from AOD but with reduced size/event.

NANOAOD: (Coming soon)

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