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Battery Status Script

Space Engineers

This is a script for the game Space Engineers. You can put this script into a programable block. Just do it by copy paste. See the instructions for more informations.


This is a modified version of the original Battery Status Script in version 1.1 [Vanilla] from Lightwolf Adventures. Currently the last update was of his script was at 8 Jan. 2018. So, there are some issues with this script. Therefore I have modified this script to bring it into the current game version.

You can find the original script here:


I use the MDK from The code is written inside the community version of Visual Studio. Therefore you can find the script under the BatteryStatus folder. Open the file Program.cs to view the hole code.

If you want a copy'n paste version open file Release_Version in the root directory. Select the hole content, copy it to your clipboard, switch to Space Engineers and paste the code into your programable block.

Configuration System

I hate to modify the script himself. It makes updates cumbersome. Because you need to resetup your settings until every script update. Therefore I added a new feature that allows you to configure this script outside the script.

Now it is possible to place a configuration inside the Custom Data field of that programmable block which runs this script. Use the INI File format to store your settings in that field.

You don't need to setup anything. If a setting is not set, a default value will be used. So, set only that parameters that you want to change.

Possible configurations

Section "battery"

  • OnlyWithNameTag [true|false]: Set this to true if you want that this script shows only the status of the specific batteries. Default is false.
  • NameTag [string]: The name that you want to use to mark that specific batteries that you want to visit. This string musst be part of the block name. Default is "[Battery-Status]".
  • OnlyLocalGrid [true|false]: Set this to true if you want to check only the local grid and not all batteries of all connected grids. Default is false.

Section "lcd"

  • NameTag [string]: The name that you use to mark text panels that will display the status of all your batteries. This string musst be part of the block name. Default is "[Battery Status LCD]".
  • Widscreen [true|false]: Set this to true if your text panels are widescreens. Default is false.
  • Brightness [0-255]: Setup the brightness of your text panels. Default value is 255.
  • OnlyLocalGrid [true|false]: Use only displays that are part of the local grid. if you want to use lcd's of other grid set this to false. Default is true.

Section "display"

  • OnlySmallSigns [true|false]: Set this to true if you want to use only small signs. Default is false.
  • ShowBatteryTitle [true|false]: If true the title will be shown. Default is true.
  • ShowUnderlineBelowTitle [true|false]: If true a line under the title will be generated. Default is true.
  • ShowUnderlineBelowStatus [true|false]: If true a line between the amount of batteries, stored power and the signs. Default is true.
  • ShowSeperatorInStatus [true|false]: If true a vertical line will be shown between the amount of batteries and stored power. Default is true.
  • ShowBatteryAmount [true|false]: If true the amount of batteries will be shown. Default is true.
  • ShowTotalStoredPower [true|false]: If rue the amount of stored power of all batteries will be shown. Default is true.

Section "system"

  • UpdatingEnabled [true|false]: If this is set to true the script will be updates automaticaly. Default is true.
  • UpdateInterval [1...n]: Value is in seconds. Set this value to specify the time between updates. Default is 2.

Configuration examples

The following examples shows you a basic configuration that is used in the most cases:



The second example shows you a configuration with a widescreen panel and where only the grid of the programmable block will be checked.




Now we need to talk about arguments. In Space Engineers it's possible to run a script with arguments. Arguments are simple strings that passed to the script. There are multiple ways to pass arguments. The fastes way is to use the field "Argument" of the programmable block himself. Type in your argument and press "Run". The following Arguments are supported by this script.

  • restoreDefault: Execute this script to restore all settings to it's default value. This is a destructive argument. All your previous settings will be overwritten by it's default value. Make sure you are know what you are doing. Normaly there is no need to do this. The script will write the default values automaticaly once. If no data is set inside the CustomData field.
  • readConfig: Use this argument after you has changed the settings. The settings will not be read automaticaly. This happens only once after the block is booting up. So, if you change some settings you need to tell the script that.


Script Name: BatteryStatus_Script_(x10)_v1 Author: Lightwolf / Alias: Richy Sedlar My Youtube Channel: YT-Video:

This script shows Battery level state on standart LCDs or wide LCDs, as digital Symbols Just edit your options, and it you will able to overwatch up to 100 Battery's very easy.*/


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