A port of ReasonReact to Typescript
A very straightforward copy-paste of ReasonReact:
- Look into docs
- Understand what they say
- Look into Reason code
- Look into generated JavaScrip code
- Port (or copy-paste generated JS)
- Fix bugs
- Make sure it works
- ???
- Fun (no profit)
Everything in the docs up to and including "Lifecycles" should work.
- Implementation in src/TyreReact.tsx.
- Usage exmple in src/index.tsx
In Reason
type action =
| Click
| Toggle;
type state = {count: int, show: bool};
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent "MyForm";
let make _children => {
initialState: fun () => {count: 0, show: false},
reducer: fun action state =>
switch action {
| Click => ReasonReact.Update {...state, count: state.count + 1}
| Toggle => ReasonReact.Update {...state, show: not state.show}
render: fun self => {
let message = "Clicked " ^ string_of_int self.state.count ^ " times(s)";
onClick=(self.reduce (fun _event => Click))
onSubmit=(self.reduce (fun _event => Toggle)) />
(ReasonReact.stringToElement message)
In Typescript
import {Tyre} from './TyreReact'
import createReducerComponent = Tyre.createReducerComponent
enum Action {
Click = 0,
type State = {count: number, show: boolean}
const Component = createReducerComponent<null, State, Action>('MyForm', {
initialState: () => {
return {count: 0, show: false}
reducer: (action : Action, state : State) => {
switch (action) {
case Action.Click:
return Tyre.Update({...state, count: state.count + 1})
case Action.Toggle:
return Tyre.Update({...state, show: !state.show})
render: (self) => {
const message = `Clicked ${self.state.count} times(s)`
return <div>
onClick={self.reduce ((_event) => Action.Click)}
onSubmit={self.reduce ((_event) => Action.Toggle)} />