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themr0c authored Jul 9, 2020
1 parent 5c0b873 commit 5a4523c
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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc
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= Code of Conduct of Eclipse Che documentation project

== Our Pledge

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

== Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:

* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

== Attribution

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the[Contributor Covenant], version 1.4, available at[]
231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions CONTRIBUTING.adoc
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= Contributing to the Eclipse Che Documentation

== Understanding Che Documentation ecosystem

* Please read the link:CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc[Code of conduct].

* Eclipse Che documentation project follows a forking workflow. To learn more, read[Forking Workflow].

* Eclipse Che documentation follows the _IBM Style Guide_. If you do not have a paper copy of the styleguide, see the[developerWorks editorial style guide] on the IBM website. While developerWorks is no longer maintained, it still provides useful reference information.

* To learn more about the tool validating the style, see the[`+vale+` documentation].

* Eclipse Che documentation uses AsciiDoc for markup. To learn more about AsciiDoc syntax, see the[AsciiDoc Writer’s Guide].

* The Eclipse Che documentation project follows guidelines from the[Modular Documentation Initiative]. As Antora is using the term of _module_ with a different acceptation, this project is refering to them as _topics_. To understand the nature of topics, see the[Appendix A: Modular Documentation Terms and Definitions].

* Eclipse Che documentation uses Jekyll to build the documentation.

* To learn more about the `+newdoc+` tool generating the topic
templates, see[`+newdoc+` documentation].

* To learn more about the `+test-adoc+` tool validating the topic files, see the[`+test-adoc+`documentation].

* To learn more about Hosted Che, see the[Hosted Che documentation].

== Editing and submitting new content


. Fork the project. See link:[Fork a repository].

. The fork is now accessible at following URL, where `__<github-handle>__` is your GitHub handle: `++https++://<github-handle__/che-docs/`.

. Create a branch `__<branch-name>__` for your work.

. The fork is now accessible at following URL: `++https++://<github-handle>__/che-docs/__<branch-name>__/tree/`.

. Use following factory to open the branch in a workspace running on Hosted Che: `++https++://<github-handle>__/che-docs/__<branch-name>__/tree/`.

. Edit the content.

. Build and validate the new content. See: xref:building-and-validating-the-documentation-using-che[].

. To merge the content, open a pull request. Submit the pull request against the default `+master+` branch. Specify as much information as possible in the PR template.

. To review the pull request: validate the accuracy of content, as well as build, language, links and modular docs requirements. See: xref:building-and-validating-the-documentation-using-che[].

. The continuous integration process is publishing content once merged in the `+master+` publication branch.

.Verification steps

* Navigate to the publication URL of Eclipse Che Documentation: link:[] and search for your changes.

== Building and validating the documentation using Che

To build the Eclipse Che documentation from a Che workspace.


* Open a Che workspace containing a fork of the documentation. See xref:editing-and-submitting-new-content[].


. Open _My Workspace_.

. To process generated documentation: Open _User Runtimes / bash-curl / Generate reference tables_.

. To build the documentation and start the preview server: open _User Runtimes / che-docs-dev / Start preview server_.

. To validate the language of the files currently open, look at the _Problems_ panel in the _Bottom Panel_. To toggle the view of this panel use the _View > Problems_ menu entry.

. To validate the compliance of an asciidoc file with Modular Documentation guidelines:

.. In the _Explorer_, right-click on file to validate and select _Copy Path_.

.. Open _User Runtimes / che-docs-dev / Validate Modular Doc_.

.. In the _Validate Modular Doc_ panel in the _Bottom Panel_, paste the path of the file to validate.

.. The tool `+test-adoc+` tests the file and produces some output.

. To validate all links: open _User Runtimes / linkchecker / Validate links_.

== Creating a new topic using Che

To create a new topic using a Che workspace:


. Open _My Workspace_.
. Open _User Runtimes / tools / Create a new topic_.
. Choose the target guide among the available guides:
* `+overview+`: introductory section
* `+end-user-guide+`: documentation for developers: navigating
dashboard, working in Che-Theia, and so on
* `+installation-guide+`: installation guides
* `+administration-guide+`: documentation for administrators of the
clusters: configuring Che on a cluster, managing users, monitoring
resources, security and data recovery
* `+contributor-guide+`: how to develop plug-ins for Che, add new
debuggers, languages, and so on
* `+extensions+`: documentation about extensions for Che, such as
Eclipse Che4z, OpenShift Connector.

. Choose the topic nature:
* `+assembly+`
* `+concept+`
* `+procedure+`
* `+reference+`

. Enter the title for the new topic.

.Verification steps

. The file is generated in the `+src/main/pages-che-7/<guide_name>/+` directory and the script displays related information.

== Adding images


. Add images to one of the subdirectories in the `+src/main/che/docs/images/+` directory. Create a new subdirectory if none of the existing ones fits the new image.

. To publish an image, use the following syntax:
image::directory/img.png[alt text]
Images are sized automatically. You can provide a URL to a full-size image, as well as a caption and alt text:
.Click to view a larger image
image::devel/js_flow.png[Alt text]

Do not post too many images unless it is absolutely necessary. Animated `+.gif+` images are preferred, especially when explaining how to use complex UI features.

== Using special characters

* To prevent special characters from being interpreted as formatting mark-up, use pass-through macros.
.To escape underscores, asterisks, or backticks, use:

== Building and validating Documentation on a local environment

This section describes how to build and validate the documentation on a local environment.

WARNING: This is not the preferred method. For the supported method, see: xref:building-and-validating-the-documentation-using-che[].


* A running installation of link:[podman] or link:[docker].

* An installation of link:[newdoc].

* An installation of[vale].

* An installation of[linkchecker].


. To build documentation locally, run:
$ bash

. Navigate to `+localhost:4000+` in your browser.

. To create a new topic using, run following command:
$ bash ./tools/

. To validate the compliance of an Asciidoc file with Modular Documentation standards, execute following command from a `+bash+` terminal, from the root directory of the project:
$ bash ./tools/ <PATH_TO_THE_FILE>

. To validate compliance of a file with the style guide, execute following command in a terminal, from the root directory of the project:
$ vale <PATH_TO_THE_FILE>"

. To validate links, execute following command in a terminal, from the root directory of the project:
$ linkchecker -f linkcheckerrc

== Getting support

.GitHub issue



.Public Chat

* Join the public[eclipse-che Mattermost channel] to talk to the community and contributors.


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