Social Media Platform
Built on the MERN stack
MongoDB React Express.js Node.js Redux
- Build: 1.0.0
- License: MIT
- Author: David Jacoby
"Amico" is a full stack javascript social media platform built on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) with Redux for application state management. Bootstrap 4 was used for the UI design with some custom classes created to match the bootstrap design paradigm. This project uses MongoDB atlas for cloud database storage, and Cloudinary for image asset cloud storage. Users can register an account, create a profile, post stauses, comment on other users posts as well as like and unlike posts.
- Clone this repo to your local machine using
- cd into the repo and install packages for the backend
$ cd amico
$ npm install
- cd into client to install npm packages
$ cd client
$ npm install
- cd out of client into root directory of project and type run command
$ cd ..
$ npm run dev
Reach out to me at one of the following places!
- Website at
- Email at [email protected]
Dev Dependencies
- redux-devtools-extension 2.13.8
- concurrently 5.1.0
- nodemon 2.0.2
- bcryptjs 2.4.3
- body-parser 1.19.0
- cloudinary 1.21.0
- config 3.3.0
- cors 2.8.5
- dotenv 8.2.0
- express 4.17.1
- express-validator 6.4.0
- jsonwebtoken 8.5.1
- mongoose 5.9.4
- multer 1.4.2
- password-validator 5.0.3
- request 2.88.2
- axios 0.19.2
- cloudinary-react 1.5.0
- moment 2.24.0
- react 16.3.1
- react-datepicker 2.16.0
- react-dom 16.13.1
- react-feather 2.0.3
- react-helmet 6.0.0
- react-moment 0.9.7
- react-redux 7.2.0
- react-router-dom 5.1.2
- react-scripts 3.4.1
- redux 4.0.5
- redux-thunk 2.3.0
- uuid 3.4.0