A verifier for plonky2 proofs.
This rust crate provides functionality to deserialize and verify proof, public inputs and verification key.
has a certain number of generics for its constraint system, such as used field, hasher etc.
Since we are limited by the nature of passing them in zkVerify
, we use a custom format of Vk.
For that reason, this crate also provides a binary to convert verification keys into acceptable by zkVerify
Furthermore, to bring support for compressed proofs from plonky2
, we use a custom format of Proof.
cargo install --features converter --path .
plonky2-converter --help
Converts plonky2 formats
vk Serialize VerifierCircuitData into zkVerify format
proof Serialize Proof or CompressedProof into zkVerify format
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
This code is released under the GPL 3.0 license.