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The registry with Distributed Lab papers.

Paper Category Status How to cite
Multichain Taprootized Atomic Swaps: Introducing Untraceability through Zero-Knowledge Proofs Bitcoin Preprint Kurbatov, Oleksandr, et al. "Multichain Taprootized Atomic Swaps: Introducing Untraceability through Zero-Knowledge Proofs." arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.16735 (2024).
Optimizing Big Integer Multiplication on Bitcoin: Introducing w-windowed Approach Bitcoin Preprint Zakharov, Dmytro, et al. "Optimizing big integer multiplication on bitcoin: Introducing w-windowed approach." Cryptology ePrint Archive (2024).
In Da Club Identity Preprint Mr. Chewbacca. "In Da Club."
Extending the SPV contract concept with privacy gadgets Bitcoin, ZKP Preprint Kurbatov, Oleksandr, et al. "Extending the SPV contract concept with privacy gadgets."
IMOK: A compact connector for non-prohibition proofs to privacy-preserving applications ZKP Preprint Kurbatov, Oleksandr, et al. "IMOK: A compact connector for non-prohibition proofs to privacy-preserving applications." Cryptology ePrint Archive (2024).
Atlantis Protocol. Private succinct transfers on public networks Privacy, Payments Preprint Kurbatov, Oleksandr, Kyrylo Riabov, and Mykhailo Velykodnyi. "Atlantis Protocol." arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.02585 (2024).
ZK Multisig Wallet Proposal ZKP Preprint Chystiakov, Artem, Komendant Oleh. "ZK Multisig Wallet Proposal."
Non-Interactive Bias-Free Voting within ZK Multisig Wallets ZKP Preprint Chystiakov, Artem, Zhvanko Mariia. "Non-Interactive Bias-Free Voting within ZK Multisig Wallets."
Freedom Tool: Passport-based Anonymous Voting Solution Privacy, voting Preprint "Freedom Tool: Passport-based Anonymous Voting Solution."
Bulletproofs++. Construction and Examples ZKP Preprint Fomenko, Oleg, et al. "Bulletproofs++. Construction and Examples."
BFT Paxos comparison Consensus Preprint Melnik, Illia, et al. "BFT Paxos comparison."
Analysis and Comparison of Approaches for Anonymous Cross-Chain Proofs of Membership ZKP, privacy Published Kravchenko, Pavlo, et al. "Analysis and Comparison of Approaches for Anonymous Cross-Chain Proofs of Membership." 2023 IEEE 1st Ukrainian Distributed Ledger Technology Forum (UADLTF). IEEE, 2023.
How to Iden3 Identity - -
Global Digital Identity and Public Key Infrastructure Identity, PKI Published Kurbatov, Oleksandr, et al. "Global Digital Identity and Public Key Infrastructure." ISCI’2019: INFORMATION SECURITY IN CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES (2019): 237.
Using ring signatures for an anonymous e-voting system 2019 Privacy, voting Published Kurbatov, Oleksandr, et al. "Using ring signatures for an anonymous e-voting system." 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT). IEEE, 2019.
ZK Secret Santa Protocol ZKP, Privacy Preprint Chystiakov, Artem, Kyrylo Riabov. "ZK Secret Santa." arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.06515 (2025).
Global identity concept - hard reboot after hard reboot Identity Preprint Kravchenko, Pavlo, Oleksandr Kurbatov. "Global identity concept - hard reboot after hard reboot"
Cryptographic proof of custody for incentivized file-sharing Privacy Preprint Pavel Kravchenko, and Vlad Zamfir. "Cryptographic proof of custody for incentivized file-sharing"
BLS12-381 vs BN254 From Circom Developer Perspective ZKP - -

