Simplify multiple git commands into one.
npm install -g gitcut
Generate configuration file.
gt --init
Pull from a specified repository. You can directly use it like this:
gt query <remoteUrl> <branch> [paths]
Or use alias, which needs to be configured in the configuration file.
gt query <alias>
If the remote repository has already been added, you can use its name instead of the url. For example, if you have already added a remote repository named origin, you can use it like this:
gt query origin <branch> [paths]
And also you can use interactive mode.
gt query
To exclude some paths in a directory, try adding !
before the path.
Submit all changes in the workspace. Following the commitlint-config-conventional types, emoji will be automatically added to the commit message. All you need to do is enable it in the configuration file, as it is turned off by default.
gt submit <msg>
Create a branch and push it to remote.
gt bh
Simplify cherry-pick.
gt cp
Merge any branch interactively.
gt mg
In addition, gt is compatible with all git commands 🎉🎉🎉.