DBMNG is a proposed library to Create Read Update and Delete a database table.
To generate the interface of an existing table you need to define in an associative array with few metadata:
'table_name' => 'test' ,
'primary_key'=> array('id_test'),
'fields' => array(
'id_test' => array('label' => 'ID', 'type' => 'int', key => 1 ) ,
'name' => array('label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'varchar') ,
'age' => array('label' => 'Age' , 'type' => 'int' )
echo dbmng_crud($aForm);
The table metadata can be stored in the database. In that case the CRUD interface can be generated just using the key of the desidered table.
//get the array storing the table metadata from record 1 in table dbmng_tables
$aForm = dbmng_get_form_array(1);
echo dbmng_crud($aForm);
The $aParam value allows to filter the records, add hidden variables to the POST and GET call, define the available functions for user and adding custom function
//filter records where the fields contain a specific value
$aParam['filters']['id_user'] = 1; //Filter record of user 1
//add "&lang=en§ion=News" to all the call
$aParam['hidden_vars']['lang'] = 'en';
$aParam['hidden_vars']['section'] = 'News';
//define if a specific function is enables (1) or disabled (0)
//By default all the functionalities are enabled
$aParam['user_function']['ins'] = 1; // insert
$aParam['user_function']['upd'] = 1; // update
$aParam['user_function']['del'] = 1; // delete
$aParam['user_function']['dup'] = 1; // record duplication
$aParam['user_function']['prt_rec'] = 1; // export record in pdf format
$aParam['user_function']['prt_tbl'] = 1; // export table in pdf format
//activate a table footer with filter sections
$aParam['tbl_footer'] = 1;
//activate the table pagination setting the maximum number of records per page
$aParam['tbl_navigation'] = 10;
//add a custom function to each record calling show_fields=id_record
$aParam['custom_function'][0]['custom_variable'] = 'show_fields';
$aParam['custom_function'][0]['custom_label'] = 'Show Fields';
//to manage the label of the library
$aParam['ui']['btn_name'] = 'insert the right label'; //replace the insert default button label in the form
$aParam['ui']['btn_lst_name'] = 'insert the right label'; //replace the add new record label in the table view
$aParam['ui']['btn_name_search'] = 'insert the right label'; //replace the search default button label in the form
$aParam['ui']['btn_name_update'] = 'insert the right label'; //replace the update default button label in the form
$aParam['ui']['fld_separator'] = 0; //Default value 0. If 1, the library add a separater between the fields in the form.
//order the table records basic on the field indicated in this variable
$aParam['tbl_order'] = 'field_order';
//allow to add the field sorter functionality
$aParam['tbl_sorter'] = '1';
//allow system alert on exit page
$aParam['unsave_alert'] = true;
//specify the directory where the uploaded file will be stored
//in case this parameter is missing your file will be stored in 'docs/'
$aParam['file'] = 'sites/docs/';
//gallery parameters
$aParam['picture'] = 'raw/'; //default directory where your picture will be stored
$aParam['picture_version']['nrm'] = 'nrm/'; //default directory where normal version is stored automatically by the system
$aParam['picture_version']['prw'] = 'prw/'; //default directory where preview version is stored automatically by the system
$aParam['picture_version']['big'] = 'big/'; //default directory where big version is stored automatically by the system
$aParam['picture_version']['ext'] = 'ext/'; //default directory where extra version is stored automatically by the system
$aParam['picture_size']['nrm'] = 600; //normal size in pixel
$aParam['picture_size']['prw'] = 60; //preview size in pixel
$aParam['picture_size']['big'] = 900; //big size in pixel
$aParam['picture_size']['ext'] = 77; //extra size in pixel
//Create the CRUD interface using the custom parameters
echo dbmng_crud($aForm, $aParam);