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Conf-gen is a configuration file and parameter interface generator designed for C++, and it is currently under development.
- This project is developed based on C++20, so it requires C++20.
- nlohmann::json is the only third-party dependency.
- Tested on Vistul Studio 2019
- Tested on Clang-12
- Tested on GCC-9
We can declare a group of parameters like below:
#include "conf-gen/generator.hpp"
// clang-format off
Input(Int, width, 10, Show, "width", {10, 100, 10}, "The box width, should be multiple of 10 in [10, 100]"),
Input(Int, height, .value = 50, .ctrl = {10, 200, 20}, .comment = "box's height"));
Then, you can use the parameter type you declared (in this example, it's BoxSize
) to instantiate a parameter manager, and set the corresponding parameters through the getter
and setter
BoxSize box_param;
if(!box_param.set_height(30)) {
std::cerr << "set height failed!" << std::endl;
int height = box_param.get_height();
int width = box_param.get_width();
// assert(height == 30);
// assert(width == 50);
And you can serialize the parameters like below with stream model in c++:
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << box_param;
// or you can puts the param into std::out
// std::cout << box_param;