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chore(release): cut 1.0.0 [skip ci]
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# 1.0.0 (2022-03-03)

### Bug Fixes

* add comment ([8fbd52e](
* add dimension to metadata when adding from chip menu ([#996]( ([3fc4512](
* add metadata for status ids ([558c153](
* add repetition field ([#979]( ([f9783e6](
* add valueType to the data property for setting metadata ([c5ad27d](
* address interpretation modal regressions ([#1006]( ([aed7712](
* avoid storing incomplete start-end dates ([c42bddb](
* axis width ([#965]( ([d1bcc26](
* check for dimension value `pe` not `PERIOD` ([8fa2c4f](
* clear program dimensions from layout and itemsBy dimension on clear ([0793db4](
* conflict ([3e77fda](
* convert dimension type 'PERIOD' from old AOs to 'pe' ([#948]( ([5c42d8a](
* createdB lastUpdatedBy dimension handling for analytics ([#957]( ([08c582b](
* dimensions that are in the layout should show as "selected" (teal background) in the dimensions panel ([#951]( ([6133230](
* do not update current when validate layout fails ([#975]( ([8186c16](
* drag and drop usability improvements ([#968]( ([8e28c2f](
* event status ([#976]( ([d1a95bf](
* fetch legendset without stageId ([edaf8f6](
* fix condition and items lookup by dimension ([#958]( ([cb09f82](
* format analytics header with repetitions ([#978]( ([0ad1285](
* format dimension object with programStage ([#949]( ([3e3902f](
* found 2 issues which prevented reload after Save to work ([#963]( ([7870987](
* lookup in metadata for column header names ([#974]( ([00c46a4](
* lookup row value in metadata for program and event status ([#970]( ([0c0b6f9](
* parse repetition when loading a visualization ([029afa5](
* period dimension dynamic names and enabled state ([#961]( ([70af19c](
* prefix programStageId to dimensionId in analytics headers ([3f72ac6](
* prefix programStageId to dimensionId in analytics headers [#950]( ([8a772d8](
* program stage analytics handling ([#942]( ([f6b6a10](
* read dimensions from layout and clear after stage change ([d8cdfa0](
* readd DIMENSION_TYPES_TIME ([99d001b](
* remove console warnings due to component props ([#953]( ([b7b96e8](
* remove grey area below the vis type selector ([#980]( ([0806ae6](
* remove value type from option set check ([4ba82bf](
* restore time dimensions tests excl scheduled dat ([#969]( ([c27e00a](
* scrollbar css ([#977]( ([7be51d0](
* scrollbar style ([#966]( ([9aef8bd](
* set initial value in reducer function ([02c9130](
* time dimensions ([#962]( ([6e49f1a](
* update period validation ([#960]( ([64e229a](
* use correct id for matching repetition to dimension ([47659ef](
* use correct name for header ([489f486](
* use same styles as ui for Toolbar buttons ([25bb265](
* **visualization:** use analytics requests with a pager without total ([#1018]( ([4370f0d](
* add additional check to determine which time dimensions to clear ([#1002]( ([55ecbcf](
* add button for opening Sharing dialog for interpretation ([#997]( ([b896e52](
* add default time dimensions metadata ([53fa560](
* add default value for conditions ([29058e0](
* add fix for visualization error ([d19a1d2](
* add layout validation and error handling through UVC ([ddbc2c3](
* add logic for toggling the tabs and disabled state ([0c789a1](
* add main dimsnions to metadata store on init ([abf88a9](
* add metadata for default period TECH-989 ([#992]( ([48ef85c](
* add placeholder for multi select ([95fb956](
* add stage to metadata when there is only one artificial stage ([ef94f8f](
* add start screen instructions ([#930]( ([0d4005e](
* adjust badge styles to updated specs ([5bde92e](
* adjust whitespace to correct for checkbox internal whitspace ([fdb17e6](
* adress failing test ([eff7667](
* avoid clearing program after setting ui from loaded visualisation ([8ad376c](
* catch error codes and output user friendly errors ([5402954](
* classes -> commonClasses ([ff1d76d](
* cleanup test code ([56a3f2f](
* clear event and program status conditionally ([8472b21](
* clear event status when clearing program ([bdff6ea](
* clear load error on opening an AO ([82e995f](
* columns doesnt require dimension items ([39c2417](
* conditionally update state on input type change ([#1001]( ([806bac3](
* consolidate all items to a single action ([2945025](
* convert PROGRAM_DATA_ELEMENT to DATA_ELEMENT dimensions (TECH-964) ([#922]( ([543d804](
* correct inner width for border width ([f3cf4ae](
* correct problem with time dimension enabling and adjust test ([2401c4c](
* default period has been removed, remove its metadata ([6fecb05](
* do not show blank chips after visualization load error ([#1000]( ([863160b](
* fallback in case stage or program metadata is missing ([#923]( ([e0c82ca](
* filter out unsupported value types ([17cf082](
* fix vertical alignment of toolbar buttons ([#999]( ([2738a5a](
* format event/enrollment/incident dates (TECH-1008) ([#1007]( ([fc4a710](
* hide your dimensions button when no dimensions are available ([#986]( ([afd45bd](
* imperatively clear program and rename action ([e222c2f](
* implement chip tooltip ([#1012]( ([11b7ea7](
* improved loading state and response handling for legend sets [#911]( ([205e8be](
* include valueType on DND [#985]( ([c7ecf65](
* individual styles for each type according to the spec ([efd7349](
* int to string ([de56c54](
* inverse type support to explicitly list all supported types ([6914ce4](
* item hover styles ([9827918](
* let use-main-dimsnions return an array ([394e166](
* lint errors ([9cab653](
* loading state ([7979b2d](
* merge conflicts ([dd856f5](
* migrate dimension modal + options to use the UVC ([9c6397a](
* no data WIP, needs the UpdateVisualizationContainer and catching errors ([c9f450a](
* only clear time dimension which will be disabled ([0c8f249](
* only dispatch once in metadata middleware ([#920]( ([8bda5e6](
* optionSets display value ([#912]( ([fa0a86c](
* parse repetition when loading a visualization [#984]( ([b8e03bf](
* pass headers in the analytics request DHIS2-12314 ([#906]( ([c031891](
* programType is needed to determine enabled time dimensions ([#932]( ([b05dd4b](
* proper styling ([75b40a6](
* properly add metadata for options / codes ([7caa49e](
* read input from saved visualization and clear when it changes ([d474edd](
* read output type from ui-state's input-type ([fcc3d7e](
* read total page-size and page from pager object ([badd06b](
* readd margin between components ([203e3b8](
* remove color from legendset request ([a0ae705](
* remove console.error ([ecac1f9](
* remove debug text from conditions dialog ([#1008]( ([4fb90b5](
* remove event date this month from default ui selection ([330fc28](
* remove fixed widths, WIP ([f4b72d7](
* remove ouLevels request since it isn't currently used ([b4ec3ed](
* remove prop from error ([946d71a](
* remove stage indent ([#1013]( ([4adb570](
* rename display name to name ([81994a1](
* rename selector and action to include "id" and fix missing metadata for stage ([#926]( ([dc7a12c](
* repetition in ui and current ([6778657](
* replace throw with setLoadError for no data ([faac6a5](
* reset app when New is clicked ([#993]( ([29fd8d5](
* reset badge count when program is cleared ([39369d5](
* reset fetch error to allow loading a different AO ([#1009]( ([6ad737b](
* restore disabled style and behaviour for dimension-list-item ([783a5b1](
* restore page size to 50 ([854ee60](
* return localised string ([4c682fd](
* reverse order of callbacks ([01c6351](
* separate to outer and inner component so outer component is never re-rendered ([c4a7700](
* set customized ui-only dimensionType for eventStatus, programStatus, createdBy, lastUpdatedBy ([#1005]( ([c898af4](
* set default repetition on component render ([c810a4c](
* set optionSet so the correct modal is opened ([#1011]( ([6ed156c](
* set program too in get-ui-from-visualisation ([aedb2db](
* sort dimension lists alphabetically by display name ([#998]( ([c9f8937](
* stop trying to remove metadata objects since this isn't supported ([463609f](
* style conditions (TECH-787) [#899]( ([3325542](
* styles for chips in layout and dimension items in panel ([#989]( ([8953d26](
* throw proper error for unsupported dimension types ([5a85503](
* time and main dimension constants should use _ID_ rather than _TYPE_ ([#991]( ([41790ce](
* tweak enabled time dimensions ([6e5eea9](
* tweak program selection styling to match design specs ([05215b8](
* typo ([6bb3e05](
* typo ([770c235](
* typo with import ([d408869](
* uncomment code and set console.error instead ([036174d](
* unrelated, remove data tab from options as completedOnly is now redundant ([4b14ec4](
* update metadata imperatively ([c588819](
* update time dimension names in metadata store and fix name bug ([cb946fa](
* update timeDimensions metadata after actions that change them ([ca35f46](
* URLs used for download ([#1004]( ([d0a3b76](
* use a left border on right sidebar when open ([#988]( ([2acbbdb](
* use connected add-to-layout-button so vis-type has a value ([46739df](
* use custom time dimsnion names and reset them again on clear ([a76881c](
* use period dimension names from metadata fir initial selection ([54639e4](
* use prefixed dim id for conditions in store ([#1014]( ([e4ba2c5](
* use starts-with and stop passing all stages as filter query param ([b5ca5b0](
* **main-dimensions:** disable only program and event status ([c7adba7](
* use the correct analytics endpoint based on outputType ([#909]( ([34f0c52](
* use the same mechanism for clearing and disabling main dimensions ([2086db9](
* use the same prop types as MenuItem ([#994]( ([516c425](
* various bugs with conditions (TECH-787) [#917]( ([47114e5](
* vis type selector icons ([#973]( ([a6d5261](
* **dimension-list-item:** make optionSet and valueType props optional ([8791c23](
* add decimal handling ([cb03f42](
* add missing i18n wrapping ([84feb35](
* adjust icon color ([794175c](
* adjust right panel animation to design specs ([390ad34](
* avoid crash when switching to input type ([3482487](
* bug causing incorrect value when moving away from a legendset ([ade3389](
* checkbox state ([#908]( ([80a35ec](
* clear filter fields when program changes ([4e09e15](
* close the DownloadMenu when clicking outside of it ([#897]( ([c81ed19](
* correctly re-open last active menu item ([b38baf6](
* dummy commit ([c75a07c](
* filtering ([350d91c](
* fix visualization types passed to the AO ([#883]( ([f533607](
* format empty value for BOOLEAN and TRUE_ONLY ([#904]( ([1e1b267](
* icon border radius and hover color ([66a4d84](
* ignore modal related history changes in app and respond in modal ([3454408](
* keep spinner in view when table is scrolled ([0549e7e](
* only fetch LS when OP is selected, use ui comp loading spinners ([ee0d010](
* prevent content shift during animation ([8622600](
* prevent double loader and ensure loaders are the same size ([b870fb0](
* prevent NOT I as being prefixed as I NOT ([ec9b132](
* prevent outline on click, show on keyboard navigation only ([7f524a0](
* prevent second route change when clicking see interpretation button ([baf705f](
* program indicators show numeric condition + refactor names ([#902]( ([26c810f](
* proper legendSet implementation ([f5f102a](
* proper styling with css ([8321afd](
* remove content shift on initial load and remove spinner on close ([8b032d3](
* remove dummy commit ([ac1ab55](
* remove DV specific store props ([#890]( ([bcc5613](
* repetition format parser ([#888]( ([f1243f9](
* repetition infrastructure ([#889]( ([2bea0dd](
* save and fetch options to/from metadata with code ([#901]( ([e5f9099](
* store and fetch avail LS and the LS to/from the store ([0586ba0](
* tweak styles to match data visualizer app ([c86e461](
* unset stage when program is updated ([b9a44e0](
* use consistent debounce time ([20978ff](
* use correct error text in dimension list ([c7cb985](
* **accessory-sidebar:** restore padding for normal sections ([468ebc5](
* **download-button:** bump @dhis2/ui so dropdown-button is controlled ([936351f](
* **download-menu:** add relativePeriodDate to download paths from modal ([683d80d](
* **input-panel:** ensure input always has a value ([33b1540](
* **interpretation-modal:** use default position top ([b87c341](
* **main-sidebar:** localise menu item labels ([1e87b90](
* **program-dimensions:** stop reserving space for hidden button ([a175b22](
* **visualization:** reassign req variable ([7c2623c](
* **visualization:** reassign request variable ([5002500](
* add the loading spinner to the visualization section ([1ad6b49](
* address lint error ([2cad325](
* bump ls-lint ([b823cbb](
* conditionsmanager first draft ([f033edc](
* connect options + loading spinner ([#847]( ([e5ea736](
* connect visualization to options ([6ce97d0](
* disable click handler on disabled vis types (PT) ([#863]( ([86ef0a0](
* disable preview button when no text is entered ([d409fe9](
* display density option, tSetCurrentFromUi, update button, toolbar ([#850]( ([074ee43](
* fetch legendSets ([9cbe7ee](
* filter out incomplete conditions when storing ([b6e481f](
* first draft for adding the org unit modal ([92fe297](
* fixes and improvements to the RichTextEditor ([#864]( ([2200687](
* implement the font size option in the table ([dc5c858](
* loading spinner part 2 ([99bfcab](
* only render chips when data is available ([ec55ec5](
* preselect user org unit instead of root org unit + add default metadata ([4dce1b3](
* rangeset first draft WIP ([efd502b](
* split dialogManager into two, include conditions on update ([5c9a40e](
* style form buttons ([edcd0e9](
* use dimension name only ([1c02aaa](
* **interpretation-modal:** make app responsible for showing and hiding ([700df9c](
* add chip menu ([2756942](
* add drag handler ([93b07eb](
* add LL visType and clone dimension menu from analytics ([59bdc8e](
* add missing reducers in combined reducer ([ad6df84](
* avoid global css ([237786a](
* custom pagination summary as seen in classic ER ([#841]( ([67c3939](
* [email protected] ([4070d33](
* [email protected] ([7a7f993](
* [email protected] ([dfb980b](
* [email protected] ([e692fed](
* [email protected] ([8c3c8c1](
* [email protected] ([44feb2e](
* dependencies ([e85a976](
* empty schemas ([29e47a2](
* first draft for layout ([40e062e](
* layout section ([#842]( ([9508df7](
* linelist config ([bd87f04](
* set ui from visualization ([4792ede](
* settings issue from DV ([92463b0](
* visualization -> eventReport ([e1ea53f](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([b7642c3](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([865f76f](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([5f0233f](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([d47e6e2](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([3693cf3](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([f12e536](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([eda2f69](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([dfc5e30](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([e53249b](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([10e06fd](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([28ddd27](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([ed0c725](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([0c71b25](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([e9cfaf4](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([e88efeb](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([fb4952b](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([19cafe5](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([c02f70e](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([eb3a85d](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([0a43449](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([eda7610](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([62d1d93](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([61f2524](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([866a6bd](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([8b50f14](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([ffa606a](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([ab68bd2](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([f639acc](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([89e0eb4](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([2e06114](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([1889aed](
* [email protected] ([be843e2](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([5ec90d5](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([d156897](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([2adfb30](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([cdee9da](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([cc3cb69](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([8cce9a8](
* [email protected] ([2d033e4](
* [email protected] ([bf59a07](
* [email protected] ([b8a89c5](
* [email protected] ([b92854e](
* dates and paging for line lists ([#552]( ([3ddce75](
* font size option ([#851]( ([6f5cb5e](
* i18n for daily rel periods + [email protected] ([#554]( ([ac899de](
* layout pt 2 [#845]( ([dd65c5d](
* pass current to Visualization, add completedOnly in analytics req ([#848]( ([68d4a48](
* remove branch identifier ([37787cd](
* remove min height for VTS ([6e21226](
* set data id scheme ([#553]( ([b9385fd](
* set root org unit as selected by default and add metadata ([5652429](
* store conditions as array ([65569cf](
* unwrap unlisten of the async ([6ae5583](
* update button ([0fa30d3](
* use metadata instead of dimensions for various lookups ([a244745](
* value input first draft ([cc16a68](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([185ee22](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([ac0dd2c](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([098d6b3](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([bc78b8b](
* **translations:** sync translations from transifex (master) ([dc1d62e](
* **visualization:** add auto height and sticky pagination ([8264b24](
* **visualization:** left align data table ([2c682f5](
* **visualization:** make table auto-width + add relativePeriodDate prop ([99d10d9](
* remove legacy 'dy' dimension ([4915277](
* saving multiple data element filters ([#71]( ([aaa4f1f](

### Features

* add all icons to dimension item according to updated specs ([426bea7](
* add dahsed style to program menu badge if no program is selected ([3c328ad](
* add hover style to the chip's show more button ([67cca23](
* add line list icon on start screen ([#939]( ([4308976](
* add main dimensions section ([f159d34](
* add main dimensions section ([9418521](
* add support for cat, cogs, ougs ([95bd4c2](
* add support for cat, cogs, ougs (TECH-968) [#928]( ([0e058d6](
* add support for program status in the modal and store values to ui ([6e8db46](
* add time dimension dialog ui (not connected to the store) ([b1f3ac9](
* add time dimensions to main sidebar [TECH-804] ([#919]( ([39338ed](
* apply font size and padding based on settings ([#990]( ([9ff67e3](
* auto-select stage if there is only one ([#972]( ([b7f679e](
* chip loading skeleton ([#964]( ([033660a](
* convert completedOnly option to eventStatus filter TECH-965 ([#940]( ([4f70dc8](
* dimension fetching and filtering ([1981868](
* disable save button for legacy ao (TECH-1013) ([#1015]( ([1da2f38](
* dnd layout and dimensions panel ([#937]( ([f303769](
* error handling (TECH-706) [#934]( ([3a681ca](
* expand and collapse layout panel ([#915]( ([2712c8c](
* export status values and labels ([540fd94](
* first draft for repeatable events ([dba7265](
* forward compatibility: pe - time dimension conversion TECH-796 ([#913]( ([f37a33e](
* implement panel toggling ([37c13cd](
* implement time dimension selection ([b491028](
* implement user mention wrapper ([#876]( ([f2d1760](
* increase program select max height ([b1dffa9](
* input type accessory panel ([74ecf67](
* lazy load dimension list ([0de0d70](
* numeric conditions to fetch legendsets (TECH-788) ([#892]( ([95acc48](
* org unit condition (TECH-883) ([#896]( ([f43e839](
* partial dimension item type styles and functionality ([773eaf5](
* program and event status modal (TECH-697) [#945]( ([9b212dd](
* program dimension item selection ([060c7e5](
* program dimension panel WIP ([340e5f8](
* remove d2, use CachedDataQueryProvider for user info ([#886]( ([991732d](
* repeatable events (TECH-894) [#925]( ([67af199](
* same as prev commit but for event status ([362876b](
* show dimension context menu when hovering item in dimension panel ([#967]( ([5424196](
* show error message when AO isnt found ([#929]( ([ead6106](
* show input accesory panel selection in main panel ([a9a3c57](
* show repetition in headers (TECH-984) ([#982]( ([c5317fb](
* show static text for non-filterable dims (TECH-884) [#893]( ([cba8d6b](
* sidebar selection ([6b767bc](
* store program and program stage in metadata store ([87bb722](
* switch from eventReport to eventVisualization ([#907]( ([b3d96bf](
* update ui, metadata and current from period dimension modal ([742eabe](
* visualization scrollbox auto-width ([#914]( ([c959c11](
* your dimensions panel with search ([3c8e8d5](
* **dimensions-panel:** add dimension-menu-item ([450d6e8](
* **program-dimensions:** add program select ([d21f39d](
* **program-dimensions:** filter available programs by input type ([8cb91f7](
* add case sensitive checkbox ([27635f6](
* add dimension panel with slide-in-out animation ([013855f](
* add download dropdown ([66d0f04](
* add initial focus prop to interpretations thread ([0f97ccc](
* add loading overlay to interpretation thread ([076cfc6](
* add loading overlay to interpretation unit ([79cca2d](
* add loading state to comment add form ([57ce7f2](
* add loading state to modal ([3f64840](
* Add support for org unit field ([#59]( ([2142121](
* add TitleBar, Visualization and StartScreen components ([#826]( ([3d0b1ba](
* alphanumeric conditions (TECH-812) [#880]( ([9215053](
* animated right panel ([8366012](
* autocollapse left bar when showing right bar ([ace477f](
* basic imports and first draft of the options modal ([d8f9181](
* boolean conditions (TECH-815) [#882]( ([e3c5c07](
* date, datetime, time conditions (TECH-817) [#885]( ([f2fbdc2](
* datetime and time conditions ([fff3b09](
* fetch optionset and valuetype from backend and store in metadata ([4f1dd57](
* FileMenu in MenuBar and loading of visualization ([#825]( ([1ec40cb](
* first draft for alphanumeric conditions ([14ba27a](
* first draft for boolean conditions ([ca7f60b](
* first draft for date condition, text based input ([9e6f16a](
* format numeric values with digit group separator ([#853]( ([1abaf0c](
* hide false for the true_only condition type ([f6fdf78](
* implement AlertBar component ([#844]( ([54f8025](
* implement component for the interpretations list (TECH-783) ([6c7837a](
* implement new/save/save as/rename/delete actions from FileMenu ([#840]( ([d81440f](
* implement toggle button and right sidebar contain…
  • Loading branch information
dhis2-bot committed Mar 3, 2022
1 parent e565ad3 commit fc43189
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Showing 2 changed files with 427 additions and 1 deletion.

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