CGM Remote Monitor aka Nightscout for the Raspberry Pi 2/3/4. This images offers a node.js webserver containing the Nightscout Application Version 14.2.5.
This image needs arm64 and therefore e.g. the ubuntu server os. This is because mongo 4.x is only available for arm64 - not armv7(32bit) anymore.
Have a look how to run this image using kubernetes (k3s) on a raspberry pi. I've written a tutorial for the complete setup process:
The image is created by using the Github Repository located here:
First of all, you need a Raspberry Pi 2,3 or 4. Install an operating system that supports the docker runtime. E.g. follow the instructions to install the nice hypriot os:
Afterwards you should have a running Raspberry which is able to start Docker Container. What we additionally need is the docker-compose component. Using this tool we are able to fire up all that is needed to start Nightscout plus Mongo with just two command lines.
The steps needed to install docker-compose are documented here:
The short story is - simply execute this command:
$ sudo su -
$ curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Clone this repository to your Raspberry. Execute
git clone
The above git-repository contains the Docker file to create a docker image and a docker-compose script to launch rpi-nightscout referencing the necessary rpi-mongo database image.
It is recommended that you add your own API Key. This key has to be entered into your Uploader Application. If you are using a Medtronic Pump, than you are using this application. You can edit your API Key by using e.g. nano editor
cd rpi-nightscout
nano docker-compose.yml
Remember that you have to provide a secret key that has to have at least 12 characters!
To modify your nightscout configuration, you can simply modify the environment settings in your docker-compose.yml file. E.g. to modify the default alarm ranges change the values of BG_HIGH, BG_LOW, etc.:
image: dhermanns/rpi-nightscout:latest
TZ: Europe/Berlin
MONGO_CONNECTION: mongodb://mongo:27017/nightscout
API_SECRET: nightscout2000
BG_HIGH: 220
BG_LOW: 60
After cloning you are ready to start the Nightscout Application using docker compose
docker-compose up -d
Now you should be able to connect to your Nightscout Application by entering
in your Webbrowser.
If you would like direct access to the mongo database, you will have to open up the mongo db port to be accessible from outside the docker container. You can easily do this by modifying the docker-compose.yml
image: mongo:4.4.9
- "27017:27017"
- "27018:27018"
- "27019:27019"
- "28017:28017"
restart: always
This way you should be able to use other tools that would like direct access.
piOS (formerly known as raspbian) is based on armv7 (32bit). Since nightscout 14.2.2 needs a mongo-db 4.x, arm64 is required. But you can run an older nightscout 14.0.6 an piOS. docker-compose.armv7.yml demonstrates this:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.armv7.yml up -d
To upload your CGM Data to your Nightscout system, this image is designed to use the REST-API Upload only! The internal Mongo Port is not exposed by default.
So let your Uploader point to the REST API located here:
And enter your Secret API Key that you have configured in your docker-compose.yml file.
!!!WARNING - the format is not documented on the arbox0 site and the format documented for the dexcom version of the uploader differs from the format above. But what's working for me with the arbox0 uploader is exactly the format above!!!
Congratulations - you should have a complete Nightscout System to monitor your diabetes data based on your local Raspi!
If you would like to use e.g. the MyBG Apple Watch App, you will have to activate HTTPS for the nightscout cgm remote monitor. To do this, first create a private key and a certification request for your node-server:
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.csr
Afterwards grab a free SSL-Certificate e.g. from this Certification Agency:
Download your server certificate and use the certificates contained in "for Other". Create a certification chain in one file:
cat 2_issuer_Intermediate.crt 1_cross_Intermediate.crt > serverchain.crt
If you don't create the chain of trust in this way, your browser will complain about your certificate and the iOS and Apple Watch Apps won't work!
Then configure your docker-compose.yml and activate node to use your newly created certificates:
image: dhermanns/rpi-nightscout:0.9.2
SSL_KEY: /var/opt/ssl/server.key
SSL_CERT: /var/opt/ssl/serverchain.crt
I don't needed to add anything to the SSL_CA environment value. Take care that you change the URL in the uploader to HTTPS. Change the URL in all other devices e.g. Watches or Smartphones.
cgm-remote-monitor - web app to broadcast cgm readings
Copyright (C) 2015 The Nightscout Foundation,
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.