See details in the comments
- aaexpires -- AD account expiration checker
- mkbin -- small but an effective shell script creation helper: copies file to ~/bin and set x-bit with one toch
- groupwritable -- sets group permissions in a requested way, useful as a crontab job
- bs -- BASH script starter
- replace_spaces -- replaces spaces in the filename(s) with the dashes
- space -- shortcut for the 'du', including dot files, sorted
- ff -- quick search (=fast find) in the current directory
- shosts -- expands SLURM style node notation like 'xx[1,3,4-6],yy2' into 'xx1 xx3 xx4 xx5 xx6 yy2'
- tfunctions -- bunch of shell functions used for administrative purpose on the cluster
- ipmi -- wrapper for the ipmitool utilities
All of these materails have been used either for the Linux HPC cluster administration purpose or as demo / exsercises for the Linux Shell tutorial