A twig extension to compose templates from multiple child templates.
For example you've a base template and N child template which can modify the base Template. If the templates are fixed, there is no problem you can extend from each other. Is the number of templates dynamic you can't use extend. In that case you can use this bundle. Simply call the compose method, pass a base template and a array of sub-templates... and wibbly wobbly you've a template which contains every content of every child template 🌠
$ composer require devtronic/twig-compose
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For details take a look in the tests directory
use Devtronic\TwigCompose\ComposeEnvironment;
/** @var $twig Twig_Environment */
$twig->addExtension(new Devtronic\TwigCompose\ComposeExtension());
$template = ComposeEnvironment::composeStatic($twig, 'base.html.twig', ['pluginA.html.twig', 'pluginB.html.twig']);
echo $template->render([]);
use Devtronic\TwigCompose\ComposeEnvironment;
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem(''); // or whatever
$twig = new ComposeEnvironment($loader); // instead of Twig_Environment
$template = $twig->compose('base.html.twig', ['pluginA.html.twig', 'pluginB.html.twig']);
echo $template->render([]);
use Devtronic\TwigCompose\ComposeEnvironment;
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/res/main-theme');
$twig = new ComposeEnvironment($loader);
$loader->addPath('/res/theme1', 'Theme1');
$loader->addPath('/res/theme2', 'Theme2');
// If autocompose is enabled, all registered paths will be checked.
// If a file with the the same name (e.g. base.html.twig) exists,
// it will be loaded & composed with the `base.html.twig` inside the main-theme folder
$template = $twig->load('base.html.twig');
echo $template->render([]);