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Research Study Overview

This repo provides a replication package for the paper "The Power of Words: Generating PowerShell Attacks from Natural Language". The paper has been accepted for publication at the 18th USENIX WOOT Conference on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 2024). This paper is also available on arXiv

In this paper, we present an extensive evaluation of state-of-the-art NMT models in generating PowerShell offensive commands.

We also contribute with a large collection of unlabeled samples of general-purpose PowerShell code to pre-train NMT models to refine their capabilities to comprehend and generate PowerShell code. Then we build a manually annotated labelled dataset consisting of PowerShell code samples specifically crafted for security applications which we pair with curated Natural language descriptions in English.

We use this dataset to pre-train and fine-tune:

We also evaluate the model with:

  • Static Analysis in which the generated code is assessed to ensure that it adheres to PowerShell programming conventions
  • Execution Analysis which evaluates the capabilities of the generated offensive PowerShell code in executing malicious action

The project includes scripts and data to repeat the training/testing experiments and replicate evaluations.


    title={The Power of Words: Generating PowerShell Attacks from Natural Language},
    author={Pietro Liguori and Christian Marescalco and Roberto Natella and Vittorio Orbinato and Luciano Pianese},

Project Organization

The diagram below provides the organization of the project:

├── notebooks
│   ├── 00-dataset
│   ├── 01-pre-training
│   │   ├── CodeGen
│   │   ├── CodeGPT
│   │   ├── CodeT5p
│   │   └── dataset
│   ├── 02-fine-tuning
│   │   ├── finetuning.ipynb
│   │   ├── json
│   │   └── model
├── pwsh-execution-analysis
├── pwsh-syntax-analysis
└── text-to-code

In which:

  • The notebooks folder contains all the codes for the pre-training and fine-tuning operation
  • The pwsh-execution-analysis contains the scripts and configurations for analyzing PowerShell execution on Windows systems
  • The pwsh-syntax-analysis contains all the script needed for the Static analysis of the generated code
  • Text-to-code forked from CodeXGLUE is a framework used for the fine-tuning operation

We also provided a repository with scripts to help with inference and training. Find it at

Installation Steps

Install the dependencies

cd powershell-offensive-code-generation/
pip install -r requirements.txt