Prototype for non-verbal access to information, targeting users with intellectual disability. This prototype shows a UI which allows browsing a large database of images. At each stage, the demo shows a target image at the center and thumbnails of images similar to that image around it. There are several combinations of image selection and sorting algorithms:
- closest in term of similarity
- diverse using an MMR-like algorithm
- 1d sorting, top-left is most similar
- 2d sorting, close-together images are most similar
The algorithm uses image representations generated with a deep convolutional neural network such as ResNet.
To run, make sure you have python3 accessible as python, virtualenv and gcc installed.
This prototype can accomodate for multiple data sources. Each data directory shall conain:
a directory with thumbnailsnames.txt
a file containing am image thumbanil filename and a source image path separated by a tab on each linevectors.npy
a numpy matrix of shape number of images times dimension of representation where each row corresponds to the image on the same row innames.txt
Representations are typically low-dimension dense vectors (for example size 256) and can be generated with CNNs such as ResNet.