Releases: descope/go-sdk
Releases · descope/go-sdk
Breaking changes
- Configurable expiration time of JWT: We added support to configure the JWT's expiration time, using the
Please notice that this update breaks compilation, and requires anyone currently using this command to pass0
(which translates to 'no change', leaving the expiration set based on the project's configuration). - Self-service SSO configuration link: Up until now, the
command generated a link to the project's sso-config flow. Now that the SSO Setup Suite is out - the link that's generated will be for the suite. On top of that, extra configuration parameters have been added, includingemail
This update breaks compilation, and requires anyone currently using this command to pass 2 empty strings (""
) at the end of it. - Export snapshot - extended configurations: In order to support extended configurations upon snapshot export, we added a new
struct that can accept different output formats.
This update breaks compilation, and requires anyone currently using this command to pass an extranil
- Third Party Apps - Inbound: To support general CRUD of our new feature 'Third Party Applications' (also known as Inbound Apps) - we added various functions, including the option to create, update and revoke a consent from an app. Read more in the SDK's README.
- Anonymous user creation via management SDK: Just like our option to generate an impersonated JWT, we added the option to generate an anonymous user's JWT. Read more about anonymous users in our documentation.
- Management command support for User ID: On top of the existing Login ID support, we made sure that all management commands can work with the user's User ID as well. This includes commands such as
, etc. - Audit search paging: With the new
parameters, the audit'sSearch
function becomes much more flexible to your needs. Notice that the maximum size per page is 1000 records. - Total results count for audit query: We added a new
audit function, that supports allSearch
capabilities - but also returns the number of records. - Search users by dates: An option to filter user searches based on their creation time or modified time, using the
object. - Authentication Method usage via management SDK: For each authentication method, there's a configuration that can disable it from API/SDK usage, to avoid any unwanted public access. This doesn't include flow usage, and from now on will also not include management API usage.
- TOTP seed deletion via management SDK: The function
supports removing a TOTP seed for a specific user, based on their login ID. - FGA cache update: For an upcoming FGA feature, we added another property when initiating the Descope client called
. This is of course not a mandatory configuration. More details to come!
Breaking changes
function update: For an upcoming feature, we've expanded the current SSOStart
function to accept a new parameter namedssoID
. This update breaks compilation, and will requires anyone currently using this function to pass an empty string as that parameter's value instead.
- Test user searching: We added a new function named
, to filter over test users. Learn more from our SDK's README. - Enhanced functionality for adding user roles: With this new version of the
function, you can add a role to an existing user not just on the project level, but also on the tenant level. If the tenant isn't already associated with the user, it will happen as part of this command. - Template ID configuration for invitations: Continuing the effort from our previous release, we've added the option to configure the
parameter when sending invitations to users. - Impersonation JWT configurations: We've expanded the impersonate function to allow passing
as well astenantID
, so that the created JWT will include that information.
Breaking changes
- New import/export formats for flows and themes: We've changed our flow and theme formats to better support various CI/CD use cases. All flow and theme export and import functions have been updated to the new formats. They have also been changed to use plain maps to ensure that future additions to the formats are properly marshaled without requiring the SDK to be updated.
- FGA 2.0 support: Now that we've revamped our FGA support, we also updated our SDK functions. Under
we now support 4 more functions:SaveSchema
- Creates a new schema for the project.CreateRelations
- Creates new relations for the project.DeleteRelations
- Deletes relations for the project.Check
- Checks if the given relations are satisfied.
- Template ID configuration: We added a new parameter named
to all 'sign up' / 'sign in' / 'sign up or in' functions, to allow controlling which custom email/sms template should be used by the function. This will override the default configuration set in the project's 'Authentication Methods' page. - Editing access keys: We opened up the option to edit some of access keys' configurations that were read-only up until now. This includes: description, authorization (tenant/role association) and permitted IPs list.
- Revoke other user sessions: We added a new configuration in
. This new configuration will expire all JWTs created other than the one in the request. This is useful for signing the user out of all their sessions, except for the current one. - MD5 hashes import support: We now support importing users with passwords that have been hashed using MD5.
- Additional errors upon batch user invite: When batch inviting users, we added a new attribute to the response named
, which will expose which users failed on the invite sent and which didn't. - README fixes: Some updates to the README and other function descriptions were made to clarify some of the explanations there.
Breaking changes
- Scalable user searching: We’ve made some improvements to enhance the scalability of our system to better support increased usage. These changes allow us to handle increased demand more efficiently, ensuring a smoother experience for all our customers.
As part of this update, there may be a delay (up to 100ms) in accessing newly written or updated user data from the search user endpoints. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
- User tenant API: We added an option to fetch a specific user's tenant(s) information from an active session. Using the new
function, you can query a current user's sessions' tenants details. See the example in the SDK's README. - Tenant created time: We added the tenant's creation time when loading the tenant (both in
Bug fixes
- Public key fetch mix: In some rare conditions, after performing a JWK rotation, there might be a race condition on getting the proper public key. We attended it quickly and fixed the gap. Thanks to a fellow Descoper for bringing this one to our attention!
- Force refresh of OAuth/OIDC provider token: Current refresh of provider token is based on its expiration time. There are some cases in which the provider doesn't return the expiration, and for that we aded the
parameter when using theGetProviderTokenWithOptions
function - to force refreshing the provider token. - Access key descriptions and permitted IPs list: Access key descriptions can now be set - both from the console as well as the SDK. This also applies for permitted IPs (the source IP that is used by the access key upon request) - which supports both single IP addresses as well as CIDRs.
- Application sign-out URL: We've added an option to configure a specific application sign-out URL using the
param in SAML related functions. This is useful when Descope is your IdP, and you want to sign a user out of Descope when they sign out from their SP. - User interaction override: With the
flag in applications, you can force end user to interact in a specific way with Descope (as IdP), regardless of the SP's settings. - Project tags: Projects now have a
attribute - a list of strings that can be used to distinguish your projects. Those can be updated using theUpdateTags
command. - Generate SSO configuration link: We've recently added an option in the console to send a link that triggers the SSO configuration flow. We've completed this feature by supporting it also via SDK using the
command. An example can be found in the SDK's README.
Bug fixes
- Access key expiration ignored at exchange: We had a problematic behavior where in some edge cases - the access key exchange would happen and exchange a key to a time that's past its expiration definition. This was fixed now, thank you to our customers for bringing this one to our attention!
Breaking changes
- Option to automatically delete related users/access keys when deleting their associated tenant: We've added an option to handle auto-deletion of 'orphaned' users and access keys when their last tenant is deleted. When deleting a tenant, you can use the new
flag to indicate that if part of the tenant's users/access keys are left with no tenant association - they will also be deleted from the project.
Please notice that this change breaks compilation, due to the new parameter added.
- nOTP authentication method: As published in our changelog - we've added a new authentication method named nOTP, which can now be used directly via the Go SDK! Read all about it in the SDK's README.
- TOTP seed migration: When batch importing users into Descope, you can specify collecting their TOTP seed as part of the migration. If provided in the data, that seed will now be associated with the user and the next authentication will be seamless.
- List projects: With the
function, you can get a list of all projects in a specified company. - Patch user: The new
command allows you to update a user's properties - but only those that have been provided in the request (without running over other data that currently exists on the user).
Breaking changes
- Total count of users search: We've enhanced the
Users function to also return the total number of records found. Example can be found in the SDK's README.
Please notice that this change breaks compilation, since it now returns another parameter in the response.
- Custom audit events: We've added the function
to ourAudit
object, that allows you to generate your own custom audit events. You can also create your custom audit event to provide different data than that provided by Descope. - Enhanced audit record: Each audit log will now include the performer's User ID (
Actor ID
) as well as the the severity of the event (Type
). - Logout user via token: A new function named
has been added, to allow logging a user out using a refresh token. - PHPass hashes import support: We now support importing users with passwords that have been hashed using PHPass.
- Claim validation using current tenant: If the
('Descope Current Tenant') claim is configured, authorization related functions for fetching and validation such asGetMatchedTenantPermissions
will take that tenant into consideration.
Breaking changes
- Project management renames: We've renamed project data to 'snapshot' - and made the related functions clearer this way:
- managementcli's new home: We opened a dedicated repo for management CLI - - so we removed any leftovers from this SDK. Check it out, and don't forget to star it! ⭐
- Update User's OAuth login ID: With the
function, you can mimic the existing flow action step to update your user's login IDs with their authenticated OAuth account. - Custom claims for access keys: You can define custom claims that will be added upon creation or exchange of access key tokens. See our example on how to use it in the exchange process in our README.
- Search over roles: We've added a new
function roles, to allow easy searching over them. This function works both for project level roles as well as tenant level roles (depending on the used filter). - Importing secrets as part of project import: Project import now allows providing missing secrets out of band to allow importing new entities such as connectors' or OAuth providers' credentials into a project.
- Project import validations: Using the
function, you can project data by performing an import dry run and reporting any validation failures or missing data. It's recommended to perform this check right before actually importing a project to minimize failures. - Template options: In case you need to pass an external value from your systems to Descope, so that it appears in an email or SMS template - use the
object to specify those. Read more on this feature in our documentation. - OTP via voice: In addition to sending OTP via SMS or email - we now support a third delivery method - voice call, with the
const. - ReBAC relationship checker: We added a new function
to check what resources a user has access, per the application's ReBAC schema. Search is recursive.
Bug fixes
- Tenant param in passwords should be optional: We changed password management related functions to have the
param optional and not required.
Breaking changes
- Support multiple domains for tenant: There's an option to automatically associated a user to a tenant based on the user's email domain. Sometimes the same tenant can 'accept' multiple domains - so that's supported now!
Please notice that this breaks compilation - considering this value is now an array and not a string. CloneProject
response removed: We understood that the project information that currently returned in theCloneProject
function is redundant, and that it should be removed (and if it's needed - theExportProject
function will do).
This change breaks compilation - since there's no response from the function now.- Support PBKDF2 encoding: Some systems encode passwords with the PBKDF2 hashing mechanism, so we added support for importing those hashes into Descope using the
function. See the example in the SDK's README.
Notice that this update does break compilation. - Use external information in email/text message templates: Just like custom flow inputs, you can now provide custom template inputs that can be added to the email/text message template upon runtime. For example, you can choose to pass the user's IP into the template, to present upon verification.
Considering the various functions involved (such asSignUp
) include another parameter - compilation will break.
- 😮 Tenant SSO - supporting SAML and OIDC: We've recently expanded our tenant SSO support to both SAML and OIDC configurations, so we created a set of generic SSO commands that replace the existing SAML ones.
Using the dedicatedSSOSAMLSettings
objects, along with their matching functions, you can define a tenant's SSO configuration settings.
This also means that dedicated SAML authentication commands are now deprecated, and we encourage you to update your code to use the new commands:SAML.ExchangeToken
- Applications management: Applications, also known as SSO Applications, are used to integrate with an application using SAML or OIDC. Under the
object, you can find an option to create, load, update and delete applications in a specific project. Find out more about applications in our documentation. - Associate an application to a user: You can decide to associate one or more application to a user, thus controlling which of your users has access to those apps. If the user doesn't have access - no JWT will be generated and the authentication to that application will fail.
- Tenant level settings: We've exposed some session management configurations, as well as password policy configurations, to be set on the tenant's level. Just like the console support - we also configuration of those tenant level settings via the SDK.
- Delete a flow: Using the
function, you can delete one or more flows. - Free search and sorting in users: Two new parameters were added to the
users function:text
will allow searching any text value in all user attributes;sort
will allow sorting the returned values alphabetically by attribute name. - Get recent changes in Authz schema definition: We added the
authz function, to be able to understand which new targets and resources were created or updated since a certain time.
Bug fixes
- Expose missing functionalities when testing users: The
parameter and theloginOptions
function were not exposed for usage when using test users, so we fixed it. - README fixes: Some updates to the README were made to clarify some of the explanations there.
Breaking changes
- Certificate verification configuration: We've externalized the certificate verification configuration, so that the Descoper can decide whether to verify the server certificate or not. The
parameter has 3 modes:CertificateVerifyAutomatic
(default - skip only when base URL is overridden, like when setting to localhost or using a port),CertificateVerifyAlways
Please notice that this will break your application in case it uses a non-valid TLS certificate, and so migration should be tested carefully. - Support context: Added the ability to work with context, in all authentication methods and management functions.
Please notice that this breaks compilation of all the related functions. - Appending user login IDs: We've added the option to assign multiple login IDs to a user, using the
attribute, upon creation and/or invitation of the user.
Please notice that this breaks compilation of the following user functions:Create
- First, middle and last names of a user: We added system attributes for first (
), middle (MiddleName
) and last (FamilyName
) of a user. - Delete a project: Added the
function for projects. - Check roles or permissions of a user: Check if the user has at least one of the roles in a provided list, using the
function. This also applies for checking permissions (GetMatchedPermissions
), and also for checking the existence on a project level and a specific tenant level (GetMatchedTenantRoles
). - Set the user's roles: We now support the option to set an existing user's roles. Instead of fetching existing roles, removing all of them and adding new ones 'from scratch' - use the
user function. - Delete a user by its userId: Support to delete a user by its
property, using the newDeleteByUserID
function. - Remove a user's passkey login IDs: Using the
management function, the Descoper can decide to remove all passkeys associated with a specific user.