DES-SERT, the DES Simple and Extensible Routing-Framework for Testbeds, is a framework designed to assist researchers implementing routing protocols for testbeds.
DES-SERT enables the implementation of routing protocols on top of Ethernet via an underlay (Layer 2.5) in user space. It introduces an abstraction from OS specific issues and provides functionality and data structures to implement proactive, reactive, and hybrid routing protocols.
While generally usable in many application scenarios, it is primarily used in DES-Mesh (, the multi-transceiver wireless mesh network testbed part of the DES-Testbed.
DES-SERT introduces some concepts to implement routing protocols. When implementing a routing protocol with DES-SERT, you should be familiar with these concepts to structure and tailor your implementation.
Every packet you send or receive on the mesh is represented as aDES-SERT message. From a programmers point of view, a DES-SERT message is just a C-structure:
typedef struct dessert_msg {
/** the layer2 header on the wire */
struct ether_header l2h;
/** short name of the protocol as passed to dessert_init() */
/** version of the app as passed to dessert_init() */
uint8_t ver;
/** flags - bits 1-4 reserved for dessert, bits 5-8 for app usage */
uint8_t flags;
/** ttl or hopcount field for app usage - 0xff if not used*/
uint8_t ttl;
/** reserved for app usage - 0x00 if not used */
uint8_t u8;
/** reserved for app usage - 0xbeef if not used */
uint16_t u16;
/** header length incl. extensions */
uint16_t hlen;
/** payload length */
uint16_t plen;
} dessert_msg_t;
Every message sent via the underlay carries this structure as a packet header. All data in a "dessert_msg" is stored in network byte order. DES-SERT tries to care as automatically as possible of this structure. Nevertheless you will have to care at least about: "l2h.ether_dhost" and "ttl".
If you need to send some data along with every packet, e.g. some kind of metric or cost your routing protocol uses, you should try to fit this data into the "u8", "u16" and the upper 4 bits of the "flags" field. These fields will never be touched by DES-SERT except on initialization via "dessert_msg_new".
Because just a C-structure is not really usable as a packet, there are some utility functions around - please have a look around in "dessert.h" and the
doxygen documentation. The most important ones are: "dessert_msg_new" and "dessert_msg_destroy", which do not simply allocate memory for a DES-SERT
message, but for a whole packet of maximum size and initialize the structures for further packet construction/processing.
int dessert_msg_new(dessert_msg_t **msgout);
void dessert_msg_destroy(dessert_msg_t* msg);
A DES-SERT extension is some structure used to piggyback data on a DES-SERT message. It consists of a 8-bit user supplied type field (with some reserved values), an 8-bit length field and user supplied data of arbitrary length of 253 bytes at most.
It can be added to a message via "dessert_msg_addext", retrieved via "dessert_msg_getext" and removed via "dessert_msg_delext".
int dessert_msg_addext(dessert_msg_t* msg, dessert_ext_t** ext, uint8_t type, size_t len);
int dessert_msg_getext(const dessert_msg_t* msg, dessert_ext_t** ext, uint8_t type, int index);
int dessert_msg_delext(dessert_msg_t *msg, dessert_ext_t *ext);
It is recommended not to put single data fields in extensions, but combine semantically related data in a struct and attach this struct as an extension because every extension carried introduces an 16-bit overhead to the packet.
Routing algorithms are often split up in several parts like packet validation, loop-detection or routing table lookup. To implement these as independent and clear as possible, DES-SERT enables you to split up your packet processing in as many parts as you like.
There are two separate processing pipelines - one for packets received from the kernel via a TUN or TAP interface and one for packets received via an interface used on the mesh network.
You can register callbacks to be added to one of these pipelines with "dessert_sysrxcb_add" or "dessert_meshrxcb_add". Both take an additional integer argument ("priority") specifying the order the callbacks should be called. Higher "priority" value results in being called later within the pipeline.
int dessert_sysrxcb_add(dessert_sysrxcb_t* c, int prio);
int dessert_meshrxcb_add(dessert_meshrxcb_t* c, int prio);
If a callback returns "DESSERT_MSG_KEEP" the packed will be processed by further callbacks, if it returns "DESSERT_MSG_DROP" the message will be dropped and no further callbacks will be called.
You do not need to care about the management of the buffers for incoming messages - DES-SERT does this for you. Nevertheless if you need to add extensions or enlarge the payload of a message, you need to tell DES-SERT to enlarge the buffer for you if the flag "DESSERT_FLAG_SPARSE" is set on the message. You can do this by returning "DESSERT_MSG_NEEDNOSPARSE" from within a callback. The callback will be called again with a larger buffer and no "DESSERT_FLAG_SPARSE" flag being set.
If you need to pass information along several callbacks, you can do this in the processing buffer passed to the the callbacks. This buffer contains some local processing flags ("lflags") set by the builtin callback "dessert_msg_ifaceflags_cb" (e.g. telling you about packet origin or if the packet is multicast) and 1KB of space for your callbacks to pass along arbitrary data.
This buffer might only be allocated after you explicitly request it - in this case the proc argument is NULL and you can return the value "DESSERT_MSG_NEEDMSGPROC" from within your callback. The callback will be called again with a valid processing buffer.
First you have to choose whether to use a TUN or TAP interface. TUN interfaces are used to exchange IPv4 / IPv6 datagrams with the kernel network stack. TAP interfaces are used to exchange Ethernet frames with the kernel network stack. If you want to route Ethernet frames, you should choose a TAP interface. If you intend to implement a custom layer 2 to layer 3 mapping, you should use a TUN interface.
Currently, you can only initialize and use a single sys (TUN/TAP) interface. This is done by "dessert_sysif_init". You must then set up the interface config in the kernel yourself e.g. by calling "ifconfig".
int dessert_sysif_init(char* name, uint8_t flags);
In either case, frames you receive from a TUN/TAP interface will be passed along the callbacks added by "dessert_sysrxcb_add" to the processing pipeline. Each of them will be called with a pointer to an Ethernet frame. In case of a TUN interface, "ether_shost" and "ether_dhost" are set to "00:00:00:00:00:00", and ether_type reflects whether the packet received is IPv4 oder IPv6.
Packets are sent to the kernel network stack with "dessert_syssend". In case of a TUN Interface "ether_shost" and "ether_dhost" will be ignored.
int dessert_syssend(const struct ether_header *eth, size_t len);
Mesh interfaces are used similar to the TUN/TAP interface with two major differences: You can have multiple mesh interfaces and they send and receive DES-SERT messages instead of Ethernet frames.
You add an mesh interface using "dessert_meshif_add" and can send to it by calling "dessert_meshsend". If the interface parameter is NULL, the packet will be transmitted over every interface (good for flooding).
int dessert_meshif_add(const char* dev, uint8_t flags);
int dessert_meshsend(const dessert_msg_t* msg, const dessert_meshif_t *iface);
You can write log messages easily with a bunch of macros provided by DES-SERT ("dessert_debug", "dessert_info" ,"dessert_notice", "dessert_warn", "dessert_warning", "dessert_err", "dessert_crit", "dessert_alert" and "dessert_emerg"). Each of them can be used like "printf" and logs to Syslog, STDERR, file or a ringbuffer depending on your configuration.
DES-SERT also ships with a custom "assert" macro which acts like the original macro from the standard C library and uses the logging mechanism described above.
Periodics help you to perform maintenance or delayed tasks. A task consists of a callback, which will be called at the time you requested, and a void pointer the callback is passed. You can add these tasks by calling "dessert_periodic_add" or "dessert_periodic_add_delayed".
DES-SERT supports simple configuration and debugging of your routing protocol implementation by providing a Cisco like command line interface (cli) and a config file parser based upon it. This cli is realized through libcli (
DES-SERT does some of the initialization of libcli. Therefore, it provides the main cli anchor "dessert_cli" and some anchors to add commands below "dessert_cli_.*". Because DES-SERT only loosely wraps libcli, you should make yourself familiar with libcli itself. This may be improved in further DES-SERT releases.
You can evaluate a config file by calling "cli_file" and start a thread enabling a telnet-interface for DES-SERT by calling "dessert_cli_run".
Now you have learned about the most important aspects of DES-SERT. To write your own routing protocol implementation, you need to know how to put all this together. You should start with a main() program parsing the command line options and then calling "dessert_init()". This is needed to set up DES-SERT correctly. Afterwards you can register callbacks, read the config file and do what you like. If everything is set up, you call "dessert_run()" and let the event based framework do its job.
If you would like to see a complete protocol implementation sample, have a look at the "gossiping" directory.
We love feedback - if you have patches, comments or questions, please contact us! Recent contact information is available on
If you have bug or feature request, lease create an issue here on GitHub!
Copyright Philipp Schmidt [email protected], Computer Systems and Telematics / Distributed, Embedded Systems (DES) group, Freie Universitaet Berlin
This document has been published under GNU Free Documentation License.
All rights reserved.