Ticket cannot be worked on
Ticket is blocking another ticket
Bug found by QA is proven to be a legitimate bug that needs fixing
Issue raised by QA is not a bug and will not be addressed
When ticket is completed, customer needs to be contacted
issues related to the watcher cypress integration
This ticket requires design signoff
This ticket has been approved by design
Ticket cannot be tested alone, needs the rest of the epic to be done first
This ticket does not require design signoff
This ticket has passed design signoff
This ticket requires design signoff
Docs are completed for this ticket
Ticket cannot have docs written alone, needs the rest of the epic to be done first
This ticket does not require docs changes/additions
This ticket requires docs changes/additions
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Ticket is ready to be picked up
Extra attention is needed
Ticket is in current sprint