Various ๐ solutions โญ for Codingame puzzles.
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- 1ร1ร1 Rubikโs cube movements [Conditions]
- Balanced ternary computer: encode [Math]
- Bank Robbers [Math]
- Brackets, extreme edition [Conditions]
- Bulk Email Generator [Regex]
- Counting Squares on Pegs [Loops]
- Disordered First Contact [String-Manipulation]
- Ghost Legs [Functional-Programming]
- Gravity Tumbler [String-Manipulation]
- Hidden Word [2D-Array, Functional-Programming]
- Horse-racing Hyperduals [Math, Functional-Programming]
- How time flies [Date]
- ISBN Check digit [Regex]
- Jack Silver: The Casino [Conditions]
- May the Triforce be with you! [Loops]
- Morelletโs random lines [Math, Functional-Programming]
- Nature of quadrilaterals [Math]
- orDer oF succeSsion [Loops]
- Organic Compounds [Nested Loops, Conditions]
- Rugby Score [Nested Loops]
- Self driving car testing.js [Loops]
- Simple-Awale [For-Loop]
- The River I [Conditions]
- The River II [For-Loop]
- The Travelling Salesman Problem [Math]
- What's so complex about Mandelbrot? [Math]
- XML MDF-2016 [Functional-Programming]
- Onboarding [Condition]
- Defibrillators [Math]
- Expand the polynomial [Functional-Programming, Regex, String Manipulation]
- Pirate's treasure [2D-Array]
- Add'em Up [List]
- Encryption/Decryption of Enigma Machine [Functional-Programming]
- Guessing n Cheating [Conditions]
- Rooks Movements [Conditions, For-Loops]
- Carmichael Numbers [Math]
- Carmichael Numbers Pre [Pre-Computation]
- Darts [Math, Map, Sort-Map-By-Value]
- Dead men's shot [Point inside Polygon]
- Rectangular block spinner [String Manipulation]
- Credit Card Verifier [Reduce]
- Hunger Games [String Manipulation]
- The Dart 101 [Conditions, Reduce]
- Brick in the Wall [Greedy Algorithms, Mathematics]
- Blowing Fuse [Conditions]
- ANEO Sponsored Puzzle [Math]
- Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants [Graphs, Memoization, Recursion]
- Scrabble [Dictionary]
- Telephone Numbers [Sets, Tries]
- The Gift [Greedy Algorithms]
- Network Cabling (Scala) [Loops, Distances, Medians]
- Network Cabling (Java) [Loops, Distances, Medians]
- Othello [String Manipulation]
- Skynet Revolution - Ep1 [Graphs, BFS]
- Teads Sponsored Contest [Graphs, BFS]
- Micro Assembly [String Evaluation]
- The Optimal Urinal Problem [Memoization]
- Maximum sub-sequence [Filter]
- Gravity Centrifuge Tuning [BigInteger, Fibonacci]
- Brackets, Enhanced Edition [Stack]
- Sum of divisors [Math]
- Bust speeding vehicles [Map]
- Text formatting [String Manipulation]
- Snake encoding [Mutation]
- Next car license plate ? [String Manipulation]
- Polydivisible [BigInteger]
- Digit Sum Successor [Math, Time-Complexity]
- Mars Lander - Episode 2 [Distances, Trigonometry]
- Brackets, Ultimate Editionืฉ [Regex]
- Factorial vs Exponential [Math.log, Pre-Planning]
- Cryptarithm [Generators, Permutation, Set, Map]
- Vox Codei - Episode 1 [DFS, Brute-Force, Simulation]
- Winamax Sponsored Contest [Backtracking, Recursion]
- There is no Spoon - Episode 2 [Backtracking, Recursion]
- The Greatest Number [Loops, Conditions]
- The Last Crusade - Episode 2 [Backtracking, Pathfinding]
- The Labyrinth [BFS, Path Finding]
- The Bridge [DFS, Backtracking]
- Skynet Revolution - Episode 2 [Graphs, Pathfinding]
- Don't Panic - Episode 2 [Pathfinding]
- Super Computer [Greedy Algorithms, Scheduling]
- Roller Coaster [Dynamic Programming, Simulation]
- Surface [BFS, Flood Fill, Memoization, Recursion]
- CGX Formatter [Strings, Parsing]
- Power of Thor - Episode 2 [Barycenters, Pathfinding]
- TAN Network [Graphs, Pathfinding, Distances, Trigonometry]
- Genome Sequencing [Strings, Permutations]
- Bender - Episode 2 [Dynamic Programming, Memoization, Recursion, Pathfinding]
- Bender - Episode 3 [Regression Analysis]
- Nintendo Sponsored Contest [C++ Only, Bits, Polynomial]
- Nintendo Sponsored Contest [Dynamic Programming, Encoding, Memoization, Recursion]
- Mars Lander - Episode 3 [Distances, Trigonometry]
- Music Scores [Encoding, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition]
- Shadows of the Knight - Episode 2 [Binary Search, Intervals]
- Vox Codei - Episode 2 [DFS, Brute-Force, Pattern Recognition, Simulation]
- The Last Crusade - Episode 3 [Backtracking, Pathfinding]
const readFileSync = require('fs').readFileSync
const inputFile = 'lib/'
const inArray = readFileSync(inputFile, 'utf8').split('\n')
const readline = () => inArray.shift()
// Use as normal readline function (Spider-Monkey) syntax;
const N = readline().split(' ').map(Number)
Dennis Vash - profile.