Released 2025-01-19
New snippets were added to the Arrays and Mathematics categories:
Arrays category:
method of TArrayUtils
& ReverseByteArray
function (issue #37 ).
, Min<T>
& MinMax<T>
methods of TArrayUtils
(issue #8 ).
Mathematics category:
3 overloaded versions of each of the ArithmeticMean
& WeightedArithmeticMean
functions (issue #30 ).
, DigitCountBase
& DigitsOf
function (issue #17 ).
function (issue #39 ).
function (issue #19 ).
function (issue #18 ).
& Softmax
functions (issue 34 ).
3 overloaded versions of a Median
function (issue #41 ).
2 overloaded versions of each of the MinMaxOfArray
, RescaleRange
, NormaliseByWeight
& RangeOf
functions (issue #44 ).
3 overloaded versions of each of the GeometricMean
and WeightedGeometricMean
functions (issue #31 ).
3 overloaded versions of each of the SumOfReciprocals
and HarmonicMean
functions (issue #35 ).
3 overloaded versions of a WeightedHarmonicMean
function (issue #47 ).
function (issue #32 ).
3 overloaded versions of the PowerMean
and WeightedPowerMean
functions (issue #33 ).
, ModeAlt
, ModeCount
, HasMode
& CountOccurences
functions (issue #42 ).
2 overloaded versions of a RMS
function (issue #49 ).
2 overloaded versions of a TSS
(total sum of squares) function (issue #51 ).
Updates to snippets in the Mathematics category:
Overflow checking was added to the PowNZN
Fixed bug in all overloads of the SumOfLogs
routine that was causing access violations whenever an exception was to be raised (issue #46 ).
Changes to tests:
Added unit tests for all the routines and methods that were added to the Arrays and Mathematics categories in this release.
Added unit test for the pre-existing ByteArraysEqual
function in the Arrays category.
Modified unit test for PowNZN
to check for new EOverflow
exception raised when an overflow condition is detected.
Removed conditional compilation directives from the array unit test unit.
to note that there are now over 700 snippets in the collection.
Updated all copyright dates for 2025.
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