Nest is a plugin for PestPHP to allow visual separation in your test files and test output
composer require ozzie/pest-plugin-nest --dev
Note While these functions forward their api to the native Pest
functions, you must use the Nest namespaced functions in order for the reporting to properly display.
use function Ozzie\Nest\describe;
use function Ozzie\Nest\it;
describe('sub()', function() {
it('subtracts the second number from the first')
->expect(Calc::sub(10, 5))
describe('add()', function() {
it('adds two numbers together')
->expect(Calc::add(1, 2))
You can also nest multiple describe blocks and optionally use the when()
block as an alternative to describe()
use function Ozzie\Nest\describe;
use function Ozzie\Nest\when;
use function Ozzie\Nest\it;
describe('abs()', function () {
when('positive value', function() {
it('returns the number back', function () {
when('negative value', function() {
it('returns the number back as positive', function () {
it('returns a float number back as positive', function () {
describe('sub()', function() {
it('subtracts the second number from the first')
->expect(Calc::sub(10, 5))
You can also call the class directly if you prefer
use Ozzie\Nest\Nest;
Nest::describe('sub()', function() {
Nest::it('subtracts the second number from the first')
->expect(Calc::sub(10, 5))
Nest::describe('add()', function() {
Nest::it('adds two numbers together')
->expect(Calc::add(1, 2))
These functions operate exactly the same as the Pest provided ones (as they forward their calls there under the hood). We need to use these functions though so that we can properly modify the test name in the output
use function Ozzie\Nest\test;
use function Ozzie\Nest\it;
test('true is true')->expect(true)->toEqual(true);
it('is true')->expect(true)->toEqual(true);
// normal callbacks work as well
it('can do math', function() {
expect(1 + 1)->toEqual(2);
These functions are purely for grouping your test
calls together
will prefix all the nested tests with its description
will prefix all the nested tests with when
+ its description
These functions can be nested as many times as you need
use function Ozzie\Nest\describe;
use function Ozzie\Nest\when;
use function Ozzie\Nest\it;
describe('abs()', function () {
when('positive value', function() {
it('returns the number back', function () {
when('negative value', function() {
it('returns the number back as positive', function () {
it('returns a float number back as positive', function () {
Unfortunately due to how the setup/teardown functions work you cannot nest them within describe
blocks and have them only apply to that block. You still must only have one e.g. beforeEach
call in the entire file which applies to every test.
You must also explicitly use the Ozze\Nest\test
and Ozze\Nest\it
functions when using describe
or when
so that we can properly update the test output.