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test sshing after k3s startup #11

test sshing after k3s startup

test sshing after k3s startup #11

Workflow file for this run

# name: Temporary Testing
# # TODO: @WSTARR - temporary testing!
# on:
# pull_request:
# branches: [main]
# types: [milestoned, opened, synchronize]
# # Abort prior jobs in the same workflow / PR
# concurrency:
# group: test-fleeting-${{ github.ref }}
# cancel-in-progress: true
# permissions:
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# jobs:
# nightly-testing:
# name: Test Fleeting GitLab Runners
# runs-on: uds-swf-ubuntu-big-boy-8-core
# strategy:
# matrix:
# flavor: [upstream]
# fail-fast: false
# env:
# FLAVOR: ${{ matrix.flavor }}
# UDS_REGION: us-gov-west-1
# UDS_STATE_BUCKET_NAME: uds-ci-govcloud-us-gov-west-1-tfstate
# UDS_STATE_DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME: uds-ci-govcloud-tfstate-lock
# TF_VAR_runner_ip: ${{ secrets.RUNNER_IP }}
# TF_VAR_ami_id: ${{ secrets.AMI_ID }}
# TF_VAR_permissions_boundary_name: ${{ secrets.PERMISSIONS_BOUNDARY_NAME }}
# steps:
# - name: Set ENV
# run: |
# echo "UDS_GITLAB_RUNNER_AUTOSCALING_GROUP=uds-package-gitlab-runner-local-${FLAVOR}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "UDS_STATE_KEY=tfstate/ci/install/local-gitlab-runner-${FLAVOR}-aws.tfstate" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "TF_VAR_region=${UDS_REGION}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "TF_VAR_name=uds-package-gitlab-runner-local-${FLAVOR}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4
# - name: Configure AWS Credentials
# uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@e3dd6a429d7300a6a4c196c26e071d42e0343502 # v4
# with:
# role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_GOVCLOUD_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
# role-session-name: ${{ github.job || github.event.client_payload.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
# aws-region: ${{ env.UDS_REGION }}
# role-duration-seconds: 21600
# - name: Environment setup
# uses: defenseunicorns/uds-common/.github/actions/setup@e7c0643d3f9d74ce49c7386b48964d2be646d726 # v0.10.0
# with:
# registry1Username: ${{ secrets.IRON_BANK_ROBOT_USERNAME }}
# registry1Password: ${{ secrets.IRON_BANK_ROBOT_PASSWORD }}
# ghToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Setup Tofu
# uses: opentofu/setup-opentofu@12f4debbf681675350b6cd1f0ff8ecfbda62027b # v1.0.4
# with:
# tofu_version: 1.8.1
# tofu_wrapper: false
# - name: Apply IAC
# run: uds run -f tasks/iac.yaml apply-iac --no-progress
# timeout-minutes: 20
# - name: IRSA Setup
# run: |
# echo "Getting OIDC keypair"
# mkdir irsa
# aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id govcloud-ci-oidc-private-key | jq -r '.SecretString' > irsa/signer.key
# aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id govcloud-ci-oidc-public-key | jq -r '.SecretString' > irsa/
# timeout-minutes: 20
# - name: NPM setup
# run: cd tests && npm ci
# - name: Test Fleeting Bundle
# run: |
# pushd .github/test-infra/asg-iac
# tofu output -raw jumpbox_private_key > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_jump
# chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa_jump
# ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_jump \
# -R 8080:localhost:443 "ubuntu@$(tofu output -raw jumpbox_public_ip)" \
# 'sudo socat TCP-LISTEN:443,reuseaddr,fork TCP:localhost:8080' &
# popd
# UDS_GITLAB_RUNNER_AUTOSCALING_ROLE_ARN=$(cd .github/test-infra/asg-iac && tofu output -raw asg_role_arn) uds run test-fleeting --set FLAVOR=${{ matrix.flavor }} --no-progress
# timeout-minutes: 25
# env:
# UDS_K3D_EXTRA_ARGS: --k3s-arg=--kube-apiserver-arg=service-account-key-file=/irsa/* --k3s-arg=--kube-apiserver-arg=service-account-signing-key-file=/irsa/signer.key@server:* --k3s-arg=--kube-apiserver-arg=api-audiences=kubernetes.svc.default@server:* --k3s-arg=--kube-apiserver-arg=service-account-issuer=* --k3s-arg=--kube-apiserver-arg=audit-log-path=/var/log/kubernetes/audit/audit.log@server:* --volume ${{ github.workspace }}/irsa:/irsa@server:*
# - name: Debug Output
# if: always()
# uses: defenseunicorns/uds-common/.github/actions/debug-output@e7c0643d3f9d74ce49c7386b48964d2be646d726 # v0.10.0
# - name: Save logs
# if: always()
# uses: defenseunicorns/uds-common/.github/actions/save-logs@e7c0643d3f9d74ce49c7386b48964d2be646d726 # v0.10.0
# with:
# suffix: ${{ matrix.type }}-${{ matrix.flavor }}-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}
# - name: Destroy IAC
# if: always()
# run: uds run -f tasks/iac.yaml destroy-iac --no-progress
# timeout-minutes: 10
# continue-on-error: true