This repo is built for running an demo instance of prometheus and grafana over an local kind cluster or over Google Cloud Provider.
For running locally
- Install kind cluster on your machine. Installation Guide can be found here
- Install kubectl command line
For running on GCP
- Terraform CLI must be installed.Installation Guide can be found here
- An Google Account with appropriate privilages to create GKE Clusters.
- Gcloud SDK installed on your machine. Installation Guide can be found here
- Clone this repo in your working directory
git clone
- Create a kind cluster
kind create cluster --name "your_cluster_name"
- Switch context to your cluster using the following
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-your_cluster_name
- Create a namespace "monitoring"
kubectl create ns monitoring
- Switch to prometheus-learning/kubeFiles directory
- Apply all files
kubectl apply -f clusterRole.yaml
kubectl apply -f config-map.yaml
kubectl apply -f prometheus-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f prometheus-service.yaml
This will create the prometheus deployment. You can access it through kubectl port-forward or at http://{ip-of-kind-cluster-node}:30001
- For installation of grafana, switch to prometheus-learning/grafanaFiles directory and apply the following commands
kubectl apply -f grafana-datasource-config.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
You can access this also using kubectl port-forward or at http://{ip-of-kind-cluster-node}:32001
- First authenticate terraform using gcloud
gcloud init
gcloud auth application-default login
- After the successful login, switch to the directory prometheus-learning/terraform2/
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- The following variables will be asked
1. project_id = "your_project_id"
2. region = "mention the zone name or region name" # use region name to create a regional cluster and zone name to create a zonal cluster
3. gke_username = "" # creds will be applied to virtual machines
4. gke_password = "" # Length of 16, aplha-numeric required
5. gke_num_nodes = "number of nodes" # make it one
- After successful completion of terraform plan you can access the services at
1. Prometheus : http://{node-public-ip}:30001
2. Grafana : http://{node-public-ip}:32001
- As this is a demo cluster hence no load-balancing is used and the services are exposed using node-port type of kubernetes cluster.
- An simple flask appliction is also exposed in the GCP setup with some custom metrics exposed. And a custom dashboard to monitor these custom metrics is also being imported by default by the name of node-info in grafana.
Custom app can be visited at