Proficient end-to-end Data Scientist, I am driven by the challenge of solving highly complex problems and unlocking the hidden value within them. I possess the soul of a treasure seeker, powered by a strong mathematical background, technical agility, and interpersonal skills. My journey in Data Science began nearly 10 years ago in my bedroom. It has since progressed through earning an MSc in AI from the University of Glasgow and a MSc. in Statistical Engineering from Mines Douai. I continue to pursue this path with the same intellectual curiosity and freshness.
🔭 I’m working on Natural Language Processing at @leroymerlin & @adeo
🤖 Current hot topics involve LLMs efficiency & evaluation, RAGs, Agents, finetuning...
🕵️ I have also tackled fraud detection.
🫥 My not-so-secret favorite topic is Reinforcement Learning, I would love to apply its principles on a genuine industrial project.
🥸 Fun fact about me: I used to think GANs where the next big thing and studied a lot about them... now I aim for more stable training curves.
🎓 I am a certified Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer
📫 How to reach me : [email protected]
🛠️ Tools & technologies I master :
- 🛠️ Tools I am learning this year: