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# Decentral Ninja The easiest way to connect with others without the need for phone numbers or email exchanges! ## Install & Run - git submodule init - git submodule update - npm install - npm run serve ## Icon Lib https://tabler.io/icons ### TODO: - [x] choose license (https://www.infoworld.com/article/3703768/the-open-source-licensing-war-is-over.html?utm_source=changelog-news) - [x] move exampleTwo to here... - [x] textarea instead of input field - [x] reorganize exampleTwo, hidden appear effect, chat-, room-, user-, provider- controller - [x] finish completely style/transform exampleTwo - [x] src/es/chat/es/components/molecules/Users.js listen to "yjs-users" event dispatched from controller/Users.js with func. detail.getData() and not awareness-change event!!! - [x] pimp Router to open new components on certain query parameters (as key) and make room view to choose room or create room - [x] header controls in dialog (nav modal) - [x] replace confirm box with input dialog and fix lost username by storing it to local storage - [x] controllers/Rooms.js getting a room event from EventDrivenYjs.js and maintaining the rooms at local storage for further consumption at Rooms view / manifest to fullscreen / give option to open in new tab - [x] delete room local storage - [x] add an atom listening to "yjs-room" any event and displaying the "room name" info "in the header" (also replace 'yjs-get-room' in the header with that atom) where ever placed (general element with info batch support and dispatch Event to open dialog menu) & nickname on each message which on click opens the nickname window and updates on yjs-nickname - [x] on app reset directly route to last visited room vs. home - [x] room overview show current chat grayed out - [x] notification on request per room (deliver through message channel), cache notification at sw cache with room name (cache this uid, see MasterServiceWorker.js L:37), badge: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Badging_API - [x] MasterServiceWorker add a Notification Queue which can be read through events - [x] WebWorkers for controller/Notifications.js _updateNotifications, controller/User.js + controller/Provider.js - [x] add scroll down/not read messages button - [x] room filter rooms list by typing - [x] Delete message disappear effect - [x] ~~wormhole iframe~~ does not work due to policy restrictions - [x] start video meeting in iframe (JitsiDialog) - [x] replyTo (continuer src/es/chat/es/components/atoms/Input.js L:136 + src/es/chat/es/components/molecules/dialogs/MessageDialog.js L:121) - [x] copy message button - [x] each instance of message must link to chat ul main message and update on each connect, resp replace with fresh clone, or rerender with fresh data - [x] message dialog on initial open scroll to bottom - [x] dialog close cross hover color - [x] message edit self and info other make same info icon [or other ...](https://tabler.io/icons/icon/dots-circle-horizontal) - [x] ~~emoji (https://nolanlawson.github.io/emoji-picker-element/) all in one dialog overlay per message but triggers normal reply message with one emoji and effect on intersection evtl.~~ (done by reply and keep existing picker for the moment) - [x] QR code generator (something like https://github.com/sumimakito/Awesome-qr.js#browsers) and print css https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Printing - [x] empty message when opening new chat room - [x] process message at ww - [x] share room, share in this room, share api + https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Clipboard_API - [x] on resize scroll to right message position, last message visible scroll to that instead - [ ] navigation menu redesign, new icon, room link share from rooms menu with qr - [ ] user dialog and clean up users dialog - [ ] https://github.com/feross/p2p-graph - [ ] user icon https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3426404/create-a-hexadecimal-colour-based-on-a-string-with-javascript#answer-68968983, https://codepen.io/blindfish3/pen/LYbaNrw, https://svelte.dev/playground/e3500b1fd6da49dc9eb5813bdbc6d12b?version=3.35.0, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto/digest - [ ] other (notSelf) nickname open users dialog and nickname change keep link in footer - [ ] show user status if mutually connected - [ ] providers dialog and provider dialog - [ ] open at rooms online status in room overview - [ ] Kill Room Button for KeepAlive at "You are alone" disconnect - [ ] dialog for choosing providers when sharing and entering room, remove default provider at src/es/components/pages/Chat.js:39, attention local storage router-resume - [x] ping providers to see if they are online before trying connection or proposing it for connection: https://jsfiddle.net/4yrmknfa/15/ (Image error) , check if self online - [ ] refresh after longer session inactive and focus comes back, check navigator.onLine, provider pings and mutually connected users - [ ] mobile on focus ask by dialog to refresh (reload), when the last activity to provider is old: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API - [ ] when room delete also delete localStorage and Indexeddb - [ ] IndexedDB delete Option per room, etc. general Storage management: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Storage_API - [ ] chat end to end encryption https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto with asymmetrical private/public key -> https://github.com/mdn/dom-examples/blob/main/web-crypto/derive-key/ecdh.js (read & write [key pair], only read [private key ? must not include pub key], only write [public key]) | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Authentication_API | explanation video: https://www.ted.com/talks/andy_yen_think_your_email_s_private_think_agai, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Credential_Management_API - [ ] Filters for different encryption keys Should read: - [ ] https://www.crypto101.io/ - [ ] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Bitwise_XOR - [ ] https://getstream.io/blog/web-crypto-api-chat/ - [ ] Ernie Turner: Dodging Web Crypto API Landmines | Web Rebels 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbt2_M1hZeg - [ ] Service Worker for caching assets PWA, https://docs.pwabuilder.com/#/home/native-features?id=periodic-background-sync-overview, https://docs.pwabuilder.com/#/home/sw-intro?id=pre-caching-during-the-install-event - [ ] Update yjs rollup stuff - [ ] https://www.runonflux.io/ - [ ] video call in iframe from flux (https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/dev-guide/dev-guide-ljm-api) - [x] test webRTC server - [ ] BugFix, persistence clears document (crdt) before timeout or possible never saved it, research: https://github.com/Weedshaker/y-websocket/blob/master/bin/utils.js#L243 --- Beta --- - [ ] **ipfs and webtorrent integrations (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/registerProtocolHandler?retiredLocale=de)** with WakeLock for video playing | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Media_Session_API | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Picture-in-Picture_API + encrypt files with stream https://github.com/SocketDev/wormhole-crypto, https://github.com/xuset/indexeddb-chunk-store/tree/master, https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent/blob/master/docs/tutorials.md, consistent webtorrent: webtorrent/webtorrent#1293 - [ ] markdown support: https://github.com/marcopolo/gossip-pad?tab=readme-ov-file - [ ] add/make new providers https://github.com/MarcoPolo/y-libp2p (https://github.com/marcopolo/gossip-pad), https://github.com/YousefED/nostr-crdt, https://github.com/YousefED/Matrix-CRDT, https://github.com/dmotz/trystero / https://github.com/kahnpoint/y-trystero or https://github.com/WinstonFassett/y-labs/blob/0f943e77f514298f068bb98cd1703e4601fabc91/src/lib/yjs-trystero/y-trystero.js, etc: https://github.com/search?q=yjs%20provider&type=repositories - [ ] speech (tests/exampleThree.html) see tests/exampleThree/Input.js - [ ] record audio https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream_Recording_API - [ ] integrate https://github.com/webxdc - [ ] Hint dialog component (help and texts with translation) - Room Eg.: <h4>Open or enter a room by typing a room name below or pasting a decentral ninja link:</h4><h5>Hint: The more random the room name, the less likely to get unwanted visitors!</h5> - [ ] WebSocket could have an api call to check the status and deliver some context from the owner - [ ] Local hosting https://ipv6.rs/cloudseeder/, https://www.noip.com/, https://tailscale.com/blog/tailscale-funnel-beta/?utm_source=changelog-news - [ ] pin messages with pin categories (local and shared) and filters for pinned messages - [ ] Chat full text search (https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#installation, https://github.com/bvaughn/js-search) - [ ] send user to overwrite/share between devices - [ ] CRDT Corrupted undo option with Room change - [ ] go through check list (https://github.com/Weedshaker/event-driven-web-components-yjs/blob/master/readme.md) --- Version One --- - [ ] inform if there is a version update and refresh - [ ] dialog for choosing providers before entering a new room - [ ] user give a room a hint name (local storage only) and allow hide un-hide room with or without password - [ ] security and text & room link encryption - [ ] native operating system share dialog behavior (https://docs.pwabuilder.com/#/builder/manifest?id=share_target-object) - [ ] open pwa on decentral.ninja link - [x] Chat message on intersection declare as read by filling it into array with own uid (https://github.com/mits-gossau/web-components-toolbox/blob/master/src/es/components/prototypes/Intersection.js) - [x] Keep chat scroll position by intersection (https://github.com/mits-gossau/web-components-toolbox/blob/master/src/es/components/prototypes/Intersection.js) - [ ] Pin and sort rooms (https://github.com/shresthalucky/sortable-dnd/blob/master/src/sortable-dnd.js + https://artecher.github.io/react-dnd-ax-demo/?selectedKind=Button&selectedStory=Complex%20Example&full=0&down=1&left=1&panelRight=0&downPanel=storybook%2Factions%2Factions-panel + https://github.com/blackboard/react-dnd-ax) - [ ] QR code scanner: https://github.com/nimiq/qr-scanner | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Barcode_Detection_API - [ ] On Desktop keep chat rooms alive even with route or focus lost. Ether just hide at route.js or set the following attributes on EventDrivenYjs controller (https://github.com/Weedshaker/event-driven-web-components-yjs/blob/master/src/es/EventDrivenYjs.js#L938 + https://github.com/Weedshaker/event-driven-web-components-yjs/blob/master/src/es/EventDrivenYjs.js#L986) - [ ] add gifs from gify or similar - [ ] fix Iphone/IOS Notifications/Batches (https://devtails.xyz/@adam/how-to-setup-web-push-notifications-in-ios-safari#server-side-push-notifications) : alternative when app open go through all rooms, get the new messages and release event with the notifications, that at least the user doesn't have to check each room but just open the app - [ ] controllers/Providers.js when on automatic connect look for the most favorable connections and avoid orphans else allow manual choice at Providers view (User controller if not connected offer to connect to other urls max. 2 per socket / connecting to other servers according user crdt data [provider has mutually connected users with some connected to other providers with mutually connected users and vice versa]) + handle on error ws connection at provider - [ ] enable sending money https://docs.metamask.io/wallet/how-to/connect/set-up-sdk/javascript/pure-js/ | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Payment_Request_API - [ ] check security requirements from https://www.securemessagingapps.com - [ ] Mail Notifications or voluntary authentication by mail (https://github.com/nodemailer/nodemailer) - [ ] draw https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw - [ ] Add Spaces that act as buckets for rooms and Users - [ ] dns (link board) / dns crdt - [ ] id, room administrators (nostr) - [ ] organization (DAO?) - [ ] Add Contact Book Functionality --> Users "list" - [ ] rewrite parts with: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/withResolvers - [ ] yjs in webworker (https://github.com/y-js/y-webworker) Add Chat Options: - [x] Delete Messages - [x] Reply To Message - [ ] Emoji Reply to Message - [ ] Edit Message - [ ] Forward Message --- UI / UX --- - [ ] Add Days or/and Date of the message section --- Emoji TODO --- - [ ] evaluate: https://nolanlawson.github.io/emoji-picker-element/ - [ ] Output larger if only emoji is sent - [x] Make EmojiPicker Responsive - [x] create top global used emojis list - [ ] search function for emojis - [ ] display recent used emojis - [x] add emojis where cursor is in text - [ ] dont hide emoji picker when clicked in textarea - [ ] use "own" emoji style --> symbl.cc
in progress...