Stub a CMake-based project with X number of executables, Y number of static libs and Z number of dynamic libs. Allows you to set up library dependencies and sets up a gtest suite with a single test for you.
This has only been used and tested on Linux (Debian and Ubuntu). There's no reason it shouldn't work on Windows and/or OSX, but it might also just break. I'd be interested in feedback and/or a PR if this is the case.
This is a slightly opinionated project seeder. It stubs folders and CMakefiles in the way that we do at Decemberborn. If this happens to suit your needs too, perfect.
This is a Node/npm based project. Tested on node v14.15.3, but should most likely work on older version too (no guarantee HOW old though).
Also, of course, if you want to actually be able to build the generated project, make sure that CMake is installed together with whatever build chain makes sense for your system (Make, nmake, Visual Studio, etc.).
To install and use the project seeder, clone this repo and just run:
npm i
Simply type npm start
. This will ask you all the questions you need, and generate the project structure.
Your apps will be in my-project/src/apps
, libs in my-project/src/libs
and the tests in my-project/src/tests
Either open and build the project from CLion (if you selected that option), or from the commandline:
$ mkdir build && cd build # or whatever you selected your output folder to be
$ cmake ..
After building, you should be able to run your app in ./build/src/apps/my-app/my-app
(adjusting the name of your app, of course).
Test suite can be run by the executable ./build/src/tests/tests
Feel free to open issues, contribute through PRs etc.