Demo: http://atom.deanoftech.com/js-wiki
Dave Hoover said everyone should write a wiki with their own flavor. Since I'm really excited about Javascript, I wanted to write a wiki entirely in Javascript. The setup is a little strange to allow me to develop in the way I'd like, but I'm using the following technologies:
- Coffeescript
- Jasmine
- Backbone/Underscore
- jQuery
I'm going to attempt to write adequate tests along the way, increasing my TDD/BDD skills. The testing setup is a bit strange. I'm using:
- coffee (gem) to convert my Coffeescript into testable JS.
- foreman (gem) to run the Coffeescript converts for tests and source.
- middleman (gem) to convert HAML, SASS, and CS to display in browser.
- testem (npm) to run the tests and do awesome testing stuff.