I am a junior full stack developer from Bielsko-Biała in Poland. Initially working with front-end technologies and gaining a few clients I noticed that backend is an equally important element in creating advanced websites so I decided to learn it. Apart from programming I also have experience in computer graphics (over 10 years). As for my interests, my passion is road cycling.
-- GIT
-- CSS3 (SCSS, Tailwind, BEM)
-- JavaScript (EcmaScript 2015+, jQuery, VueJS)
-- VueJS (Vuex, VueRouter, Gridsome, Nuxt)
-- NodeJS (ExpressJS, MongoDB)
-- AdonisJS
and... Bootstrap, Bulma, jQuery, Webpack, Gulp, Jade (pug), Composer, NPM, Yarn, PHP7, Laravel
-- My website
-- YouTube channel
-- GitHub
-- LinkedIn
-- Twitter