- Super easy, one-click installation
- Extensive supports for multiple programming languages
- Compatibility across platforms and over different versions of Vim
Download the repository here and click install.bat
git clone https://github.com/davidxk/vimconf.git
pushd vimconf; ./install.sh; popd
- Brackets auto-pairing
- Auto spell correction
- Tab folding toggle
- Handy customized vim commands
- Supports C/C++, Python, Scala, Markdown, Perl, HTML/XML, etc.
Selected from top 40 plugins in vim.org, managed with pathogen.
- a.vim
- clang complete
- Emmet-vim
- Localvimrc
- NERD Commenter
- NERDTree
- pgsql.vim
- ScrollColors
- Surround.vim
- tabular
- tagbar
- taglist
- pathogen.vim
- vim-markdown-folding
- vim-scala
Command | Description |
:C | Switch between .c file and .h file |
:Cdfiledir | Change working directory to location of the file |
:Chmod700 | Make current file executable |
:Ctags | Run ctags recursively in current directory |
:Diff filename | Run diff mode on the current file and filename |
:Pickonly regex | Delete all lines not matching pattern 'regex' |
:Refresh | Restart vim on this file |
:Rerunvimrc | Rerun ~/_vimrc |
:Tabr | Close tabs to the right |
Here is a hint of some of the handy features that you don't want to miss.
- In insert mode,
for dictionary completion - In normal mode,
for spell correction in text/markdown editing - In normal mode,
to change working directory to enclosing directory of current file - In normal mode,
for toggle folding in code editing - In normal mode,
to change color scheme - In normal mode gVim,
to show more lines in the buffer.