- Node.js - http://nodejs.org/
- Hapi - http://hapijs.com/
Clone project and install dependencies:
$ git clone https://git.oschina.net/davemayun/report-hapi.git
$ cd report-hapi
$ npm install
Start the server:
$ npm start -s
Run tests:
$ npm test
- glue - Server composer for hapi.js. https://github.com/hapijs/glue
- hapi-auth-jwt2 - Secure Hapi.js authentication plugin using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in Headers, Query or Cookies. https://github.com/dwyl/hapi-auth-jwt2
- blipp - Simple hapi plugin to display the routes table at startup. https://github.com/danielb2/blipp
- good - Hapi process monitor. It listens for events emitted by Hapi Server instances and allows custom reporters to be registered that output subscribed events. https://github.com/hapijs/good
- good-console - Console reporting for Good process monitor. https://github.com/hapijs/good-console
- good-squeeze - Simple transform stream for event filtering with good. https://github.com/hapijs/good-squeeze
- lab - Node test utility. https://github.com/hapijs/lab
- code - BDD assertion library. https://github.com/hapijs/code
- nodemon - Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server. https://github.com/remy/nodemon
- eslint - A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. https://github.com/eslint/eslint
- eslint-plugin-import - ESLint plugin with rules that help validate proper imports. https://github.com/benmosher/eslint-plugin-import
- npm-run-all - A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential. https://github.com/mysticatea/npm-run-all
├── api/
| ├── handlers/
| | └── home.js * Sample handler
| └── index.js * REST routes
├── config/
| ├── manifest.js * Server configuration
| └── secret.js * Secret key
├── test/
| └── api.js * API test
├── server.js * Server definition (uses the Glue plugin to read a manifest)
├── auth.js * Auth strategies
└── package.json
Copyright (c) 2017 Dave