Load Stimulus controllers lazily and/or conditionally.
Includes three resolvers:
- Static for direct imports
- Dynamic for lazyloading controllers as dynamic imports
- Conditional for lazyloading controllers under customizable conditions:
- element enters the viewport
- media query is matched
- browser is idle
- event is triggered
npm install stimulus-resolvers
Import controllers as static definitions, whether any elements are using the controller or not. Useful for global controllers used on all pages.
import { Application } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { StaticControllerResolver } from 'stimulus-resolvers'
import ButtonController from './controllers/button-controller'
import CartController from './controllers/cart-controller'
const application = Application.start()
StaticControllerResolver.install(application, {
Load controllers lazily once an element using the controller is found. Requires a custom async resolver function that takes the controller name and returns the controller's class definition.
import { Application } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { DynamicControllerResolver } from 'stimulus-resolvers'
const application = Application.start()
DynamicControllerResolver.install(application, (controllerName) => {
return import(`./controllers/${controllerName}-controller`).then(controller => controller.default)
Load controllers lazily once an element using the controller is found and an optional condition is met:
: element enters the viewportmedia
: media query is matchedidle
: browser is idleevent
: custom event is triggered
Requires the same custom async resolver function of the dynamic resolver.
import { Application } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { ConditionalControllerResolver } from 'stimulus-resolvers'
const application = Application.start()
ConditionalControllerResolver.install(application, (controllerName) => {
return import(`./controllers/${controllerName}-controller`).then(controller => controller.default)
Define your controllers as usual, then set the conditions for loading it using the
Controller is loaded when its element enters the viewport.
<div data-controller="example" data-controller-load-when="visible">
Will load when the element enters the viewport.
Controller is loaded when the window matches a specified media query.
<div data-controller="example" data-controller-load-when="media:(min-width: 600px)">
Will load when the window is at least 600px wide.
Controller is loaded when the browser is idle. Uses requestIdleCallback
where supported, falls
back to a one-second timeout otherwise.
<div data-controller="example" data-controller-load-when="idle">
Will load when the browser is idle.
Controller is loaded when an event is fired on (or bubbles up to) the document.
<div data-controller="example" data-controller-load-when="event:my-custom-event">
Will load when a custom event is fired.
Triggering the event manually will load the controller:
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('my-custom-event', { bubbles: true }))
To include some controllers in the main bundle but load all other controllers lazily, install both the static resolver as well as either one of the dynamic resolvers.
import { Application } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
import { StaticControllerResolver, DynamicControllerResolver } from 'stimulus-resolvers'
import ButtonController from './controllers/button-controller'
import CartController from './controllers/cart-controller'
// Core controllers included in the main bundle as static imports
// All other controllers are loaded from dynamic imports
const coreControllers = {
const application = Application.start()
StaticControllerResolver.install(application, coreControllers)
DynamicControllerResolver.install(application, (controllerName) => {
return import(`./controllers/${controllerName}-controller`).then(controller => controller.default)
Based on original work in stimulus-controller-resolver by Daniel Diekmeier.