Data Stack Academy Webinar Series - Intro to Docker
# pull busybox
docker pull busybox
# list your images
docker images
# run busybox
docker run busybox echo "hello from docker"
# using docker ps
docker ps
docker ps -a
# another way to run without lingering images
docker run --rm busybox echo "hello from docker"
# remove lingering images
docker system prune -a
# running with interactive shell
docker run -it --rm --name terminal busybox
# open another terminal and execute
docker exec -it terminal /bin/sh
# working with volumes
docker run --rm -it -v data:/data busybox
echo "goodbye blue skies" > /testfile.txt
docker volume ls
docker volume inspect data
docker volume rm data
# attaching local dirs as volume
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/data:/data busybox
# working with ports and volumes
docker pull nginx
docker run -d --name nginx-server -v $(pwd)/data:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -p 8080:80 nginx
Building a docker image:
cd image
# check out the image code and Dockerfile
code .
# build and run the image
docker build -t first-image:latest .
docker run --rm first-image:latest
cd compose
# run everything!
docker-compose up
# test the api
curl --location --request GET '' | python3 -m json.tool