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FishYoung edited this page May 11, 2016 · 22 revisions



(This statement can create new table)

  1. Format

    CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_name (column_name data_type, ...);

  2. Data type

Data type Explanation Fields
Boolean Yes/No variable true/false/NULL BIT
SmallInt 2 bytes signed integer -2^15~2^15-1 SMALLINT
USmallInt 2 bytes unsigned integer 0~2^16-1 SMALLINT UNSIGNED
Int 4 bytes signed integer -2^31~2^31-1 INT
ULong 8 bytes unsigned integer 0~2^64-1 BIGINT UNSIGNED
Float 4 bytes floating point numbers FLOAT
Double 8 bytes floating point numbers DOUBLE
Decimal 16 bytes high precision real number DECIMAL
String Variable length strings VARCHAR
Date 4 bytes date from “1400-01-01” to “9999-12-31” DATE
Time 8 bytes time from “00:00:00” to “23:59:59” TIME
DateTime A combination of date and time type which costs 8 bytes to store. From “1400-01-01 00:00:00.000000” to “9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999 ”


create table test1(a int, b float, c varchar(4));

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST test2(a int, b smallint, c datetime);

You can use show tables; to check your tables


(This statement can create projection on a table in CLAIMS,After created a table you must execute this statement,otherwise you can not do normal operation on this table. you can create one or more projection on a table)

  1. Format

    CREATE PROJECTION ON table_name(column_name,…) [NUMBER =expr ] PARTITIONED ON column_name;

  2. Explanation

    (column_name,…):Create a projection on which the specified attribute.

    Expr :Specifies the number of partitions to create, if not specified, the default is 1.

    Column_name:Specifies the projection of the key(only one) and must be included in the (column_name,...).


CREATE PROJECTION ON test1(a, b, c)partitioned on a;

CREATE PROJECTION ON test1(a, b, c) number = 3 partitioned on a;


(This statement can delete one or several tables from database.)

  1. Format

    DROP TABLE talbe_name [, table_name] ...


DROP TABLE Nation, Region;