AsyncStream is a List-like data structure, which is both lazy (like Stream) and asynchronous.
// Simpliest way, just like Stream
val s1 = 1 ~:: 2 ~:: 3 ~:: ANil[Future, Int]
// Infinite stream starting with 0
val s2 = AsyncStream.unfold[Future, Int](0)(_ + 1)
// Same, but `makeNext` returns Future
val s3 = AsyncStream.unfoldM[Future, Int](0)(i => Future(i + 1))
// Same, but initial value is Future
val s4 = AsyncStream.unfoldMM[Future, Int](Future(0))(i => Future(i + 1))
// Covert iterable into AsyncStream
val s5 = AsyncStream.fromIterable[Future, Int](List.range(0, 50))
// Same as above, but using extension method
val s6 = List.range(0, 50).toAS[Future, Int]
// If process function is synchronous, use foreach
// foreach receives A => Something
stream.foreach { i =>
// If You want to process elements asynchronously,
// You can use foreachF
// foreachF receives A => F[Something]
stream.foreachF { i =>
You can write stateful asynchronous algorithms that emits elements into a stream:
val stream = genS(0) {
for {
s <- getS[Int]
if s < 3
_ <- putS(s + 1)
} yield s
// Output:
See more examples in tests.
asyncstreams is tested to work with:
- standard scala futures
- twitter futures
- any other effect for which MonoidK can be implemented
asyncstreams is available via bintray:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("danslapman", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "danslapman" %% "asyncstreams" % "5.0.0"