This AWS Lambda function converts gzip files into Snappy. The gzip compression format is typical with web or application logs. For processing on the Hadoop Framework, gzip is not ideal due to its non-splittable nature.
This lambda function listens to an S3 bucket for PUT
events, and ==if the object is has a .gz
extension==, it downloads the file, uncompresses it and compresses it as .snappy
, then uploads the .snappy
compressed file to S3 (in this case into a processed-snappy
Below are the steps to create and deploy the function.
##2. Prerequisites
- Have an AWS account.
- Create an EC2 instance from one Lambda Execution Environment.
- Install virtualenv.
- Configure AWS Lambda execution role to:
- Read from the Input S3 bucket.
- Write into the S3 output bucket.
- Create a source and destination S3 buckets
###3.1 Install the necessary libraries
yum install python27-devel python27-pip
yum install snappy-devel
###3.2 Start a python2.7 virtualenv
virtualenv gztosnappy
source gztosnappy/bin/activate
pip install boto3 python-snappy
# Assuming you are working from your home directory (/home/ec2-user/)
cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib64/python2.7/dist-packages/ && zip -r9 ~/gziptosnappy.gz *
cd /usr/lib64/ && zip -r9 ~gziptosnappy.gz libsnappy*
git clone
cd aws-lambda-gztosnappy
# Add the lambda function to your package
zip -g ~/
##4. Deploy the Lambda Function
###4.1 Upload the package to S3
aws s3 cp <YOUR CODE BUCKET>/pub/
###4.2 Deploy the Function
Use the Cloudformation template gztosnappy.json and deploy the lambda function in your AWS environment. Double check that you have set the parameters correctly.
###4.3 Test the Function
At this point you should have created an input folder ==YOUR_INPUT_BUCKET/stg/input-gz/==, and an output folder ==YOUR_OUTPUT_BUCKET/stg/processed-snappy/==.
Drop a ".gz" file in the input folder and watch AWS Lambda process and create the equivalent ".snappy" file!