Machine learning Praktikum 2016 at FZI Karlsruhe
Reinforcement Learning with Spiking Neural Networks
Group 2: Daniel Geier, Simon Di Stefano, Fabian Mack, Lea Steffen
To start on specific lanelet:
1. run restart_'worldName'.sh
(Starts Gazebo)
2. run
(Gets Camera Sensor Image, and publishes the preprocessed image)
3. run
(Outside lane controller)
4. run
(everything else)
Gets image from camera and preprocesses the image (retina)
Sets car back on track
Plots net structure including weights.
Plots speed, distance, reward, angle.
Offers functionality for debugging
Builds desired net structure, includes learning algorithm, driving behaviour and world state
Main classes: BaseNetwork, BraitenbergNetwork, DeepNetwork, Learner
Parameter (plotting & logging): main(argv) n.plot, n.log
Custom roads: ./worlds/, ./worlds/
Lanelet specifics: ./worlds/lanelet_information.cpp, ./worlds/lanelet_random_pos.cpp