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React Native Lock Detection

Let know your app when the phone is locked or not. (iOS & Android)

Getting started

This is not published in NPM yet, so, if you want to use it you need to download it from GitHub or clone it and follow this:

Go to the folder where you have the library and run:

$ yarn link

After, go to your project folder and run:

$ yarn link react-native-lock-detection

Mostly automatic installation

Like this is native, you need to link the library, run:

$ react-native link react-native-lock-detection

Manual installation

In case the previous command doesn't do it's job, follow the next steps:


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-lock-detection and add RNLockDetection.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNLockDetection.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)<


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.talosdigital.reactnative.RNLockDetectionPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new RNLockDetectionPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-lock-detection'
    project(':react-native-lock-detection').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-lock-detection/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-lock-detection')


The usage is differs for each platform:


In iOS is a little harder to use because of the configuration that React Native has for sending events trough the bridge.

import { NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter } from 'react-native'


const { LockDetection } = NativeModules
LockDetection.registerforDeviceLockNotif() // Register the library to listen the events for Darwin notifications
const LockDetectionEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(LockDetection) // Create instance of EventEmitter
this.lockDetectionSuscription = LockDetectionEmitter.addListener( // and add the listener
  newStatus => {
    this.setState({ lockStatus: [...this.state.lockStatus, newStatus] }) // Do whatever you need with the information


componentWillUnmount() {
	this.lockDetectionSuscription.remove() // Always remove the listener to avoid memory leaks

For iOS, once the event has been fired, it sends an object with the following structure

  "newStatus": "LOCKED"

With the value being one of "LOCKED" or "NOT_LOCKED". Note that it sends NOT_LOCKED instead of UNLOCKED meaning that it doesn't detect if the phone is unlocked or not. (This is because of the Darwin Notifications)


TODO: write Android documentation


Detects when the phone locks or unlock with React Native







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  • Java 53.3%
  • Objective-C 35.9%
  • Ruby 8.7%
  • JavaScript 2.1%