Ruby wrapper for the SlideShowPro Director API. Allows you to request album and gallery information.
Include in your Gemfile:
gem "slideshowpro"
Or just install it:
gem install slideshowpro
This gem currently requires 'curl' - it calls it using back ticks. TODO: use curb instead so the dependency can be declared.
ssp ='','your-api-key')
Get a Gallery:
albums = ssp.get_gallery(gallery_id, :preview=>{:size => '123x35',:crop => 1, :quality => 90})
albums.each do |album|
puts album['name']
puts album['id']
Get an Album:
album = ssp.get_album(album_id, {:large=>{:size => '225x350', :crop => 0, :quality => 95, :sharpening => 0}})
album.each do |image|
puts image["large"]["url"]
puts image["thumb"]["url"]
puts image["thumb"]["width"]
puts image["thumb"]["height"]
This gem will cache the API responses if you pass in a cache object from your app. Only tested with memcachd but should work with anything that responds to 'get' and 'set' methods.
require 'memcached'
@ssp.cache =
Slideshowpro gem is Copyright © 2010-2011 Dan Hixon. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.