First install TBTK following instructions on Make sure the installed version is v0.9.4. If TBTK has been compiled with CUDA support this project can be compiled immediately by typing 'make'. If TBTK has been compiled without CUDA support, the lines
CPropertyExtractor propertyExtractor(
in src/main.cpp first need to be modified to
CPropertyExtractor propertyExtractor(
and the makefile will need to be modified in accordance with instructions provided there. Once this is done, type 'make' to compile the project.
To setup the calculation for a certain set of parameters, open the file "Parameters" and change the values. The first ten values controls the model, the eleventh parameter controls whether the calculations are done along a 1D cut or over the full surface, and the last parameters controls the ChebyshevSolver.
Type './build/a.out' to run a calculation. Note that the calculations can take many hours to complete (in 2017) for lattice sizes comparable to those in the corresponding article (201x201) even if a GPU is used. At the time of writing the full 2D calculation is likely to be too computationally demanding to be done on a CPU other than for comparatively small lattice sizes.
Two different plot scripts are provided for the two cases where cut1D is set to true (1) and false (0). If a calculation was done with cut1D=1, type
./ TBTKResults.h5 1.57 0 0.005
to plot the results. Here The first parameter is the file TBTKResults.h5 where the results are stored after the calculation, the second and third are the polar and azimuthal angles of the spin-polarization, respectively, and the fourth is a smoothing parameter (sigma) used to perform Gaussian smoothing in the energy direction. The value of these parameters can be played with to see the result for different polarization axes and smoothing. The ploted results are found in the folder 'figures'. If the calculation instead was done with cut1D=0, instead write
./ TBTKResults.h5 1.57 0 0.005