facebookmarketing is an API wrapper for Facebook written in Python
pip install git+git://github.com/GearPlug/facebookmarketing-python.git
from facebookmarketing.client import Client
client = Client('APP_ID', 'APP_SECRET', 'v2.10')
Get authorization url
url = client.authorization_url('REDIRECT_URL', ['manage_pages'])
Exchange the code for an access token
token = client.exchange_code('REDIRECT_URL', 'CODE')
Extend a short-lived access token for a long-lived access token
token = client.extend_token('SHORT-LIVED TOKEN')
Get app token
token = client.get_app_token()
Inspect a token
info = client.inspect_token('INPUT TOKEN', 'APP TOKEN')
Set the access token
Get account information
account = client.get_account()
Get account pages
pages = client.get_pages()
Get forms given the page
forms = client.get_ad_account_leadgen_forms('PAGE_ID')
Get leads given the form
leads = client.get_ad_leads('FORM_ID')
- requests
python tests/test_client.py
- Ad Creative
- Image Ad
- Previews
- Ad Preview Plugin
- Ad Set
- Ad User
- Ad Video
- Campaign
- Connection Objects
- Currencies
- Image Crop
- Product Catalog