Cuttr is a zero dependency, easy to use JS / jQuery library that truncates multiple line text content (Line Clampin’) to fit within given specifications. It adds an ending string like a ellipsis (...) to indicate that there is more text available than currently visible.
- Multiple truncation methods
- Truncate text without breaking the HTML
- Custom ellipsis strings
- Optional "Read more" anchor to expand original content
Demos online | Codepen Example
- cuttr.min.js minified, or
- cuttr.js un-minified
Link directly to Cuttr files on unpkg.
<script src=""></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src=""></script>
Link directly to Cuttr files on cdnjs.
<script src=""></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src=""></script>
npm install cuttr --save
yarn add cuttr
bower install d-e-v-s-k/cuttr-js --save
If you want to use Cuttr to develop commercial sites, themes, projects, and applications, the Commercial license is the appropriate license. With this option, your source code is kept proprietary. [Purchase a Cuttr Commercial License]
If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the GNU GPL license v3, you may use Cuttr under the terms of the GPLv3.
Read more about Cuttr's licenses.
As you can see in the example files, you will need to include:
- The JavaScript file
(or its minified versioncuttr.min.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="cuttr.js"></script>
Or as a module
import Cuttr from 'Cuttr';
All you need to do is call cuttr.js before the closing </body>
new Cuttr('.element', {
//options here
truncate: 'words',
length: 12
You can use cuttr.js also as a jQuery plugin if you want to!
$(document).ready(function() {
//options here
truncate: 'words',
length: 12
let truncateElement = new Cuttr( '.container', {
licenseKey: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE',
// use the license key provided on the purchase of the fullPage Commercial License
// if your project is open source and it is compatible with the GPLv3 license leave this field blank
truncate: 'characters',
// Truncate method
// How to truncate the text
// ['characters'|'words'|'sentences']
length: 100,
// Truncation limit
// After how much [characters|words|sentences] should the text be truncated
// note: character truncation also counts html characters
ending: '...',
// Truncation ending string
loadedClass: 'cuttr--loaded',
// Class to set on truncated element when truncation finished
title: false,
// add original, full content to elements title attribute
// [true|false]
readMore: false,
// enables / disables the "read more" button
// [true|false]
readMoreText: 'Read more',
// text to show as "Read more" button to show full content
readLessText: 'Read less',
// text to show as "Read less" button to show truncated content
readMoreBtnPosition: 'after',
// "Read more" button position
// ['after'|'inside']
// 'after' = button will be appended after the truncated element
// 'inside' = button will be appended inside the truncated element, at the end of the truncated content
readMoreBtnTag: 'button',
// "Read-more" button HTML tag
// ['button'|'a'|...]
readMoreBtnSelectorClass: 'cuttr__readmore',
// "Read-more" button class selector
readMoreBtnAdditionalClasses: '',
// "Read-more" button additional classes to be added
Each plugin instance comes with some public methods to call.
Example Initialization:
let truncateElement = new Cuttr('.element', {
//options here
truncate: 'words',
length: 12
After the plugin is fired, a series of methods are available.
Expands the given instance content.
Truncates the given instance content.
Completely restores the Element to its pre-init state.
In order to access the public methods via jQuery, you need to do it through jQuery's .data() function.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Cuttr initialization
let truncateElement = $('.element').Cuttr({
//options here
truncate: 'words',
length: 12
// access html element's prototype via jQuery's .data()
let truncData ='Cuttr');
// call Cuttr method
Checkout our demos & examples page
This project uses Gulp (v4) to minify the JS file.
If you are unfamiliar with Gulp, check this tutorial on how to get started.
Run gulp
in the command-line to put out a build on the files.
The Cuttr javascript / jQuery string truncation plugin targets modern browsers that support ES5, meaning Internet Explorer 10 and earlier are not supported, but with IE11 and above you are fine.
Created and maintained by DEVSK.