Instant development environment. Vagrant/Docker files for a LAMP Virtual Machine like setup. In approach to give the speed of the bare metal but the security of a VM using Linux Container (LXC). This configuration gives you a fast, reproducible development environment.
This configuration is designed for Magento and Magento 2 development, but can be also used for any PHP application. Tested with Drupal 8 as well. Note for Magento 1, you will need a PHP7 compatibility patch.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Apache 2.4.18
- MySQL 5.6.25
- PHP 7.0.4
- phpMyAdmin
- supervisord for keeping ssh, apache, mysql running (no init scripts).
- shutdown script
- Pre configured Apache virtualhost and a database ready to use
- XDebug and Webgrind
- n98-magerun
- Just drop the
folder andVagrantfile
into your project and dovagrant up
Install Vagrant (>= 1.6.2):
Install Docker (>= 1.0.0)
Copy the dev
folder and Vagrantfile
from this repository to your project folder
vagrant up
It will take a few minutes for the first time.
Add this line to your /etc/hosts
(or windows equivalent)
Your project folder will be served on this url:
Webgrind is available on this url:
For best use of XDebug and Webgrind features in Chromium, I suggest the Xdebug helper extension
You can SSH to the box:
vagrant ssh
A mysql database has been set up and ready to use immediately. Username: myadmin
. Password: myadmin
. Database name: database
Install this plugin via Package Control:
Shift+f8: Open XDebug quick panel
f8: Open XDebug control quick panel when debugger is connected
Ctrl+f8: Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl+Shift+f5: Run to next breakpoint
Ctrl+Shift+f6: Step over
Ctrl+Shift+f7: Step into
Ctrl+Shift+f8: Step out
"path": "..."
"xdebug": {
"path_mapping": {
"/vagrant" : "/absolute/path/to/project/on/computer",
"ide_key": "sublime.xdebug",
"url": "",
"port": 9000,
"close_on_stop": true,
"debug": true
edit /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini and comment out the line: