jena Public
Forked from apache/jenaMirror of Apache Jena
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 1, 2023 -
htmldiff Public
A command-line script that shows text changes between two HTML files
rdf-logos Public
Logos for RDF formats (RDF/XML, N-Triples, RDFa, SPARQL, R2RML, SHACL) in PNG and SVG
vanillajs-spa Public
Forked from rishavs/vanillajs-spaa simple SPA in vanilla js
JavaScript UpdatedOct 11, 2018 -
pubby Public archive
A Linked Data frontend for SPARQL endpoints
opencsv Public
Fork of OpenCSV for managing my contribution to the project
void Public
An RDF schema and associated documentation for expressing metadata about RDF datasets
vocidex Public
Search over RDF schemas and OWL ontologies
Database to RDF mapping engine and SPARQL server
ckan_link_sync Public
Turn “link:xxx” style CKAN API extra fields into proper CKAN relationships
odc2011 Public
Forked from mhausenblas/odc2011Local Planning Explorer Ireland
lod-graph Public
Forked from edsu/lod-graphA protovis visualization of the linked open data cloud.