These are my detailed methods for my Capstone Project for the Genomic Data Science Specialization.
Week 4 - Alignment (scroll down to see content, or click here)
Week 5 - QC the Alignment (scroll down to see content, or click here)
Week 6 - Get Feature Counts (scroll down a little to see content, or click here)
Week 7 - Exploratory Analysis (scroll down to see content, or click here)
Week 8 - Statistical Analysis (scroll down to see content, or click here)
Week 9 - Gene Set Analysis (scroll down to see content, or click here)
To be clear, the Week 9 assignment was not explicitly traditional gene set enrichment of the gene list from Week 8 (of the re-analyzed RNA-Seq data from Jaffe et al. 2015)
Instead, this is a test of robustness of the gene set defined in Week 8 of this project applied to other datasets, which the required dataset being a different data type (where I might call this "Promoter Analysis of Roadmap Epigenomics Project H3K4me3 Processed Data")
However, I do provide enrichment results among the filtered gene list.
Week 10 - Upload overall summary report (no additional analysis for "Describe Your Analysis")
I also have notes about the 7 individual courses that need to be completed before the Capstone (as well as other on-line courses) here, and you can also see my certificates for the Capstone as well as the Specialization.